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In this course we will discuss:
  • the basic characteristics of distributed systems;
  • architectures of distributed systems;
  • problems related to the communication in distributed systems;
  • methods and techniques to address such problems;
  • different types of middleware;
  • software patterns for distributed systems;
  • an introduction to graph theory and graph algorithms.

The course focuses on generic concepts, techniques, methods, and open standards for distributed systems.
We do not (explicitly) discuss the implementation of distributed systems via a particular programming language or software platform.

Please answer the self-assessment questions available from the download section to check your knowledge.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, students understand the definition and the purpose of different network measures, to answer questions on:

  • the basic characteristics of distributed systems;
  • architectures of distributed systems;
  • problems related to the communication in distributed systems;
  • methods and techniques to address such problems;
  • different types of middleware;
  • software patterns for distributed systems;
  • graph theory and graph algorithms.
Attendance requirements

According to the examination regulation, 80% attendance is required for a PI. This means that absence in one unit is tolerated. Beyond that, an exceptional reason must be given in accordance with WU's examination regulation. Any absence must be notified by email to the contact address before the start of the course.

Teaching/learning method(s)

The course is delivered using a combination of the following:

  • presentation by facilitators;
  • technical tutorials by student tutors;
  • self-study of compulsory special literature by students;
  • 2 in-class exams (quizzes) counting for 20 points each;
  • 1 final exam counting for 60 points;
  • A positive grade is awarded if at least 50% of all points (i.e. 50/100) are earned. The remaining grades are awarded in 10% steps (60%, 70%, 80%). Thus, a "1, excellent" is awarded if at least 80% (i.e. 80/100) of all points have been earned.
  • Each student who participates in at least one of the 3 exams will be graded.

  • If a student fails the course (i.e. finishes with a negative grade), the student will be allowed a single repeat of the final exam, given the following conditions hold:
    • the student earned at least 15/40 points from the in-class exams;
    • and the student earned at least 15/60 points from the final exam.
  • If one or both of the above conditions are missed, students will have to repeat the course (incl. all exams) in a subsequent semester.
  • All candidates eligible for repeating the final exam will be notified via e-mail after the grading procedure of all regular exams has been completed.
  • Summer term 2025: The repeat of the final exam is scheduled for October 1st 2025 (this is a fixed date which cannot be moved or adjourned).
Last edited: 2025-02-17