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LEARN - WU's learning and information portal

LEARN - WU's learning and information portal

Here you will find step-by-step instructions on the individual applications and functions of MyLEARN as well as on the digital exams.

Teaching and Learning Academy

Suggestions for the design of your lectures and teaching methods in academia


In this area you can find all the lectures of the current study offers at WU.

Student Support Area

Themed "Studying made easy" you get a number of support offers for your study life on these pages.


Fit4Research is the WU Library's open access eLearning program about subjects such as library use, research techniques, and reference management.


The portal of the WU offers open educational resources about business and business related subjects.



21. Oktober 2024 — Semestercheck?! – SSC Beratungsevent am 05. November 2024

Beratungsevent des Study Service Centers - für euch Fragen zum Studium. Kommt vorbei!

Source: Study Support


18. Oktober 2024 — Thementag Neurodiversität am 04.11.2024

Wie wirken sich AD(H)S und Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen auf den Studien- und Arbeitsalltag aus? Welche Strategien helfen im Umgang damit? Welche Unterstützung bieten Universitäten?

Source: Study Support


18. Oktober 2024 — NextGenBuddies-Infoabend am 11.11.: Gemeinsam mit Kindern und Jugendlichen wachsen

Werde Wegbegleiter*in für junge Menschen. Informiere dich über unsere Buddy-Programme am 11.11.!

Source: Study Support


17. Oktober 2024 — Wirtschaftsnobelpreis – Literatur der drei Preisträger in der WU Bibliothek

Am 14. Oktober 2024 wurden in Stockholm die Preisträger des diesjährigen Alfred-Nobel-Gedächtnispreis für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Schwedischen Nationalbank (Sveriges Riksbank) bekanntgegeben.

Source: University Library


Dive into Central & Eastern European business – Apply for the Master Class CEE 2024-25 now

The application for the new MC CEE 2024/25 has started already and is open until October 24, 2024. The MC CEE is a compact and practice-oriented complementary study program on CEE management for WU master and doctoral students free of charge. We guarantee you a deep learning on CEE business and a great time in a multicultural team. All we want from you is your interest, commitment, and cooperation.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to enrich your studies at WU - apply now.

More information & application click here!

Source: LEARN


24. September 2024 — Update! Oktober 2024

Rückmeldung WS 2024/25 | Master's Day | Bewerbung englische Masterstudien | Sonderzuschuss Mobilitätsstipendium | Bewerbung International Short Program Buenos Aires | Go Global 2024 | Bachelor-Auslandssemester - neues Bewerbungsverfahren | Workshop "Interview Ready" für Bewerbung Auslandssemester | "Lernen macht Schule" wird "NextGenBuddies" | Life Skills upgraden | Peer Groups im Studium | Career Calling | Restplätze für Sprachkurse | Sprachcafé | Lehrbücher für eure LVs | read!t Literaturlisten | WU Impact Community

Source: Study Support