You are interested in sustainability? You want practical experience in your studies? You would like to work with an interdisciplinary team? Then the Sustainability Challenge is just right for you!

As an elective, the Sustainability Challenge offers you the chance to pursue a start-up idea or work on a project with partners like Sonnentor, Rail Cargo, Siemens, Kurier and others, for two semesters. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide the framework for the Sustainability Challenge.

Teachers from seven participating universities will provide you with theoretical input: WU Wien, BOKU, TU Wien, die Angewandte, Uni Wien, Uni Graz & Montanuniversität Leoben. Inter-university teaching conferences invite you to discuss questions on ecological economy, climate research, art, sustainable building, consumption and production patterns as well as social framework conditions and build a bridge to practice. Celebratory events provide the ideal setting for you to exchange ideas and expand your own network.

Application is NOW possible via online form till September 23th. In October 2024 we kick off.

You can find insights, current projects and more information on our website, Instagram or LinkedIn.

Contributed by Sabine Jung