2044 - International Macroeconomics
Subject(s) Bachelor Programs
Instructors:Florian Ramseger, M.Sc.
Weekly hours:2
Members (max.):15
Registration period:02/14/08 to 02/27/08
Class objective(s) (learning outcomes)
The aim of this course is to provide students with an appreciation of the main macroeconomic processes at work within countries that are integrated into the world economy to different degrees, thus preparing students for their future roles in business, politics, and civil society.

After successful completion, students will be able to analyse real world macroeconomic issues, such as the effects of different economic policy instruments, the choice of exchange rate regimes, or the problem of unemployment.

To this end, the course will provide students with a thorough understanding of the workhorse models of macroeconomics – the Mundell-Fleming and AS-AD models – commensurate to the intermediate undergraduate level.

Prerequisites according to degree program
The course belongs to Part II of the Bachelor Program Business, Economics and Social Sciences
Teaching and learning method(s)
Lectures, class discussions, homework
In case of restricted admission; selection criteria
Prerequisites: knowledge of the IS-LM model, e.g. chapters 1 to 5 of Blanchard, Olivier (2006): Macroeconomics. 4th Edition, Pearson Education (or equivalent)
Criteria for successful completion
Homework, mid-term and final exams
Availability of instructor(s) for contact by students
If you have questions regarding the contents of the class, please contact Florian Ramseger via email (mailto:florian.ramseger@wu-wien.ac.at) or during office hours (see webpage: http://www.wu-wien.ac.at/vw7/team/ramseger)
All information regarding the "International Macroeconomics" courses, including exams and grades can be found under https://learn.wu-wien.ac.at/ (requires password and student ID number)
Detailed schedule
Day Date Time Room
Tuesday 03/04/08 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM SR 5.44 (B)
Tuesday 03/11/08 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM SR 5.44 (B)
Tuesday 04/08/08 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM SR 5.44 (B)
Tuesday 04/15/08 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM SR 5.44 (B)
Tuesday 04/22/08 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM SR 5.44 (B)
Thursday 04/24/08 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM SR 5.44 (B)
Tuesday 04/29/08 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM SR 5.44 (B)
Tuesday 05/06/08 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM SR 5.44 (B)
Tuesday 05/20/08 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM SR 5.44 (B)
Tuesday 05/27/08 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM SR 5.44 (B)
Tuesday 06/03/08 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM SR 5.44 (B)
Tuesday 06/10/08 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM SR 5.44 (B)
Tuesday 06/17/08 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM SR 5.44 (B)
Wednesday 06/18/08 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM SR 5.47 (C)
Tuesday 06/24/08 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM SR 5.44 (B)

The course expands on the closed-economy IS-LM model, that students are expected to know from their first macroeconomics course, in two ways. First, to integrate the labour market, the AS-AD model is introduced. Second, both the IS-LM and the AS-AD model are considered in an open-economy setting, highlighting the differences between fixed and flexible exchange rate regimes. Case studies will be used to apply these models to real world issues.

Unit Date Contents
1 04.03.2008 Revision of the Goods and Financial Markets: The IS-LM Model; Blanchard: chapter 5
2 11.03.2008 The Labour Market; Blanchard: chapter 6
3 08.04.2008 Putting All Markets Together: The AS-AD Model; Blanchard: chapter 7
4 15.04.2008 Putting All Markets Together: The AS-AD Model; Blanchard: chapter 7
5 22.04.2008 Unemployment in Europe; Blanchard: pp. 282-4
6 24.04.2008 Revision for mid-term exam and AS-AD in growth rates
7 29.04.2008 Mid-term exam and AS-AD in growth rates
8 06.05.2008 The Open Economy; Blanchard: chapter 18
9 20.05.2008 The Goods Market in an Open Economy; Blanchard: chapter 19
10 27.05.2008 Output, the Interest Rate, and the Exchange Rate; Blanchard: chapter 20
11 03.06.2008 Exchange Rate Regimes; Blanchard: chapter 21
12 10.06.2008 TBA
13 17.06.2008 TBA and revision
14 24.06.2008 Revision
15 25.06.2008 Final exam

Blanchard, Olivier: Macroeconomics, 4th Edition, 2006; Content relevant for class examination: Ja; Content relevant for degree examination: Keine Angabe; Recommendation: Unbedingt notwendige Studienliteratur für alle Studierenden
