0919 - Foreign Language Business Communication I - English
Instructors:Dr. Elisabeth Barakos
Weekly hours:2
Members (max.):55
Registration period:10/05/10 to 10/24/10
Note:Track enrolment from 21 September 2010 to 30 September 2010
Class objective(s) (learning outcomes)

After attending this course, students will be able:
LO1:    to demonstrate a level of general English competence equivalent to B2 (lower) on the Common European Framework ( http://www.coe.int/T/DG4/Portfolio/?L=E&M=/main_pages/levels.html ) with respect to reading and writing skills;
LO2:    to understand and apply important concepts from the fields of business organisations, business transactions, personnel management and marketing, and to recall as required the essential terminology associated with them;
LO3:    to recall at will, and use, the English equivalents of basic German terminology from these fields, as well as other typical features (structures, collocations, prepositional usage, etc) of the associated language, to discuss the above business fields in an appropriate manner;
LO4:    to combine the various abilities mentioned above in order to understand lower-intermediate level written texts about the above business fields, and to write, in context, short, appropriate passages of communications relating to them.

In addition, this course fosters the following soft skills:
•    Ability to explain and summarise, in German (or other native language), English texts relating to the business fields mentioned
•    Improved aural/oral skills

Prerequisites according to degree program
Teaching and learning method(s)
EBC1 is divided into ten units, each centred on an aspect of one of the business fields mentioned above and divided into three parts, dealing with business content and terminology, language, and text comprehension and production, respectively. EBC1 classes (one for each of these units) involve a range of activities based on the course literature, including:
•    discussion of tricky content issues;
•    vocabulary development and reinforcement of grammatical structures;
•    listening comprehension; and
•    examination preparation.
Criteria for successful completion
EBC1 is assessed by means of a single examination held three times each semester, in the three University examination weeks. As for all LVP classes, you must register separately for the examination using the LPIS system.

In order to study successfully for EBC1 you must:
•    attend classes without fail and do the tasks assigned by your instructor;
•    obtain and make appropriate use of all the required literature;
•    make full use of ALL the support materials available on the EBC1 portal of Learn@WU and pay heed to the ‘Study tips’ provided there; and
•    read regularly short to medium-length, semi-formal texts (e.g. media reports) relating to the relevant business fields and other subjects.

EBC1 is assessed by means of a single written examination (LVP) divided into two parts. Part I assesses your level of general English (LO1, see above) by means of multiple-choice questions. Part II is concerned with the skills and knowledge taught explicitly in EBC1 and comprises three sections, corresponding to LOs 2-4 (see above). The first two sections are made up of short questions of various types (fill-ins; multiple choice; etc.). In the third section you will be asked to answer questions on a relevant text and to write various short, well-constructed passages of English in response to instructions and in context. Examples of past examinations (Part I and Part II) can be downloaded from the EBC1 portal of Learn@WU.

For further details please refer to Learn@WU ( https://learn.wu.ac.at/dotlrn/classes/ebce1/one-community?page_num=0 )

Availability of instructor(s) for contact by students
See homepage of the Institute for English Business Communication (http://www.wu.ac.at/ebc/About_us/Contact_Information )
Detailed schedule
Day Date Time Room
Thursday 10/14/10 09:00 AM - 11:30 AM H 3.31 (A)
Thursday 10/21/10 09:00 AM - 11:30 AM H 3.31 (A)
Thursday 10/28/10 09:00 AM - 11:30 AM H 3.31 (A)
Thursday 11/04/10 09:00 AM - 11:30 AM H 3.31 (A)
Thursday 11/11/10 09:00 AM - 11:30 AM H 3.31 (A)
Thursday 11/18/10 09:00 AM - 11:30 AM H 3.31 (A)
Thursday 12/02/10 09:00 AM - 11:30 AM H 3.31 (A)
Thursday 12/09/10 09:00 AM - 11:30 AM H 3.31 (A)
Thursday 12/16/10 09:00 AM - 11:30 AM H 3.31 (A)
Thursday 12/23/10 09:00 AM - 11:30 AM H 3.31 (A)

The EBC1 syllabus consists of the following:
* the material contained in the EBC1 Coursebook
* all keywords in the New Handbook of Business English listed in the Coursebook
* the material covered in the electronic self-study materials, EBCe1 and GEe

Unit Contents
1 Business Organisations I: Aims & Activities
2 Business Organisations II: Legal Framework
3 Business Transactions I: Inquiries & Offers
4 Business Transactions II: Orders & Contracts
5 Corporate Management
6 Human Resources I: Personnel Management
7 Human Resources II: Industrial Relations
8 Marketing I: Product and Price
9 Marketing II: Promotion
10 Marketing III: Distribution

Copnall, A., Fiebinger, M., Landsmann, L. and Ross, C.: EBC1 Coursebook, MBS, latest edition, 2010; Content relevant for class examination: Ja; Content relevant for degree examination: Keine Angabe; Recommendation: Unbedingt notwendige Studienliteratur für alle Studierenden

Obenaus, W./Weidacher, J.: NEW Handbook of Business English., Linde, 2006; Content relevant for class examination: Ja; Content relevant for degree examination: Keine Angabe; Recommendation: Unbedingt notwendige Studienliteratur für alle Studierenden

Obenaus, W./Weidacher, J.: NEW Handbook of Business English: Dictionary & User's Guide., Linde, 2006; Content relevant for class examination: Ja; Content relevant for degree examination: Keine Angabe; Recommendation: Unbedingt notwendige Studienliteratur für alle Studierenden

Mautner, G.: Englische Grammatik für die Wirtschaftskommunikation., Linde, 2., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, 2008; Content relevant for class examination: Ja; Content relevant for degree examination: Keine Angabe; Recommendation: Unbedingt notwendige Studienliteratur für alle Studierenden

Obenaus, W./Weidacher, J.: This is the Manager Speaking., Linde, 3., aktualisierte Auflage, 2003; Content relevant for class examination: Ja; Content relevant for degree examination: Keine Angabe; Recommendation: Unbedingt notwendige Studienliteratur für alle Studierenden
