
1955 The TOPSIM International Business Simulation Game: Prove Your CxO Capabilities During a Course
Dr. Isabella Grahsl, MBA, Jens Hilgedieck, M.Sc.
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/28/16 to 10/05/16
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Tuesday 12/20/16 09:30 AM - 07:00 PM TC.5.18
Wednesday 12/21/16 08:30 AM - 05:30 PM TC.5.18
Saturday 01/21/17 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM TC.5.16

The Course Format – in a Nutshell
The course focuses on a competitive simulation based on TOPSIM Global Management. Several simulated periods of competition take place via this computer-aided business simulation program. The first part of the course consists of individual preparation (literature on international business and acourse reader) which will provide theoretical background information for the business planning simulation and insights to define competitive strategies in global markets.

During the course, students have to combine their knowledge of various economic fields and compete in a realistic business simulation. Depending on the number of participants, groups of approx. five students will take control of a company, representing its CxO board. The companies start at the same initial position.
Therefore, only the combination of the right strategy and accurate operational business management creates competitive advantages. Company leaders will have to make decisions in various departments with all typical CxO positions being covered (e.g. production, r&d, finance) within a limited time frame. Then the simulation will be performed and the teams will receive reports on the consequences of their decisions after each period.

At the end of the term, the students have to present and defend their strategic and operational decisions in front of a supervisory board, which will be represented by the lecturers and their peers. More detailed information will be provided to the participants when providing the reader and during the course sessions.

About TOPSIM GlobalManagement
Participating teams are representing companies, producing single, standardized electronic components as well as customer-specific solutions. The simulation fosters students‘ understanding of the global configuration and optimization of the value chain and provides an opportunity to enhance one’s entrepreneurial spirit in thinking and acting.

- global product development (2 product types of different technology-generations, 3 geographical markets)
- controlling a global value chain consisting of different levels of in-houseproduction-depth
- improvements of production processes (e.g. through means of improved communication)
- acquisition/joint­-ventures of production sites
- global marketing mix (including differentiated product positioning)
- development of financial plans for business expansion
- thinking in business alternatives on a global cruising radius/ level

Learning outcomes
After completing this course, students will have a better ability to
- deal with theoretical frameworks of various economic fields
- develop a strategic business plan
- develop a global strategy for a company competing in different world regions and manage different influences 
of international and/or seasonal effects
- understand, how different functional areas of business are coordinated by a firm’s management
- understand the strategic role played by functional managers
- cope with ambiguity
- structure complex and ill-defined problems
- evaluate the market environment and react in real business situations
- cope with the challenges of managing a firm that operates in multiple locations and different countries
- justify their business decisions (documented in the team paper I on company strategy) in the course
of the final team presentation (please, see also grading details below)

Furthermore, completing this course willc ontribute to students’ ability to
- efficiently work and communicate in a team
- improve their oral and written communication and presentation skills
- learn to give and receive constructive feedback.

Teaching/learning method(s)
The course will combine several different learning methods to deliver the different topics to the students. These will include readings, class discussions, team work, team coaching during the strategy simulation sessions and presentations in front of the class.

The final grade of the course will depend on several individual and team accomplishments (deadlines and the course handbook will be emailed to registered participants).

· Literature based individual paper on strategy, 5 written pages: 30 %
  (1 paper per participant = prerequisite to participate in two-days-simulation sessions)

· Team paper I: Definition of acompany strategy, 1written page: 10% (1 paper per team)

· Individual class participation:10%

· Final team presentation (15-20min ppt-presentation): 30% (1 ppt-presentation per team)

· Team paper II: Reflection on the team´s strategic approach, 5 written pages: 20% (1 paper per team)
Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists
Completed IB Foundations (Class I – Basics) and Applications (Class II)
Continuous attendance required.
Last edited: 2016-06-15
