2000 PhD Seminar International Business
Prof.Dr. Igor Filatotchev
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/19/16 to 09/30/16
Registration via LPIS
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Subject(s) Doctoral/PhD Programs
Research Seminar in Main Subject I
- International Business
Research Seminar in Main Subject II - International Business
Research Seminar in Main Subject III - International Business
Research Seminar in Main Subject IV - International Business
Dissertation-relevant theories - International Business
Research Seminar - International Business
Research Seminar - International Business
Research Seminar - Participating in scientific discourse I
Research Seminar - Participating in scientific discourse II
Research Seminar in Main Subject II - International Business
Research Seminar in Main Subject III - International Business
Research Seminar in Main Subject IV - International Business
Dissertation-relevant theories - International Business
Research Seminar - International Business
Research Seminar - International Business
Research Seminar - Participating in scientific discourse I
Research Seminar - Participating in scientific discourse II
Day | Date | Time | Room |
Thursday | 12/01/16 | 09:00 AM - 08:00 PM | D1.5.088 |
This course has a seminar format within which the participants provide a presentation/report on their research projects folowed by Q&As from the audience and course convenors.
The students will be able to evaluate the significance of their research project, robustness of its theoretical underpinnings and relevance of the chosen research methodology
No formal examination, a participanion-based assessment mode. In other words, the assessment is based on a concept/research proposal, presentation, as well as active participation in the course and discussions. In other words, the assessment is based on a concept/ research proposal (30%), presentation (30%), as well as Q&R or ability to answer questions adequately and active participation in the course and discussions (40 %).
Last edited: 2016-09-12