
5362 Emerging Markets
Ute Heinrichs, M.A.
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
02/22/17 to 03/02/17
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Monday 03/13/17 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM TC.4.12
Thursday 03/16/17 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM TC.5.02
Thursday 03/23/17 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM TC.5.02
Thursday 03/30/17 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM TC.4.02
Thursday 04/06/17 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM TC.5.02
Thursday 05/04/17 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM TC.5.02
Monday 05/08/17 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM TC.4.12
Tuesday 05/23/17 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM TC.1.01 OeNB
The topics provided are designed to give students an in-depth understanding and appreciation of the characteristics of emerging markets and their companies. East Asia in particular, but also South America as well as Eastern Europe will be highlighted. This course delivers research-led, contemporary discussions and analyses of emerging markets and their actors
Learning outcomes

Students will get an understanding of the peculiarities of emerging markets, their challenges and future outlook. In addition, we look at how companies from advanced markets behave when entering emerging markets and the other way around, i.e. emerging market firms entering advanced markets.

The course format is interactive. Students will be trained on a theoretical and practical level by engaging in in-class discussions, solving cases and presenting their analyses.

Teaching/learning method(s)
The course design comprises the following teaching methods: lectures, in-class discussions, presentations of academic papers and case analyses/presentations. Students are asked to be prepared for each class which should act as a basis. Thus, they are expected to do required readings which are specified for each session as well as apply theoretical frameworks discussed in class to real-life examples of firms in different countries/institutional settings.

The assessment of students' grades are based on the following criteria:

  • individual participation (40%). Participation is assessed based on the attendance, quality of preparation and active contribution in class. Attendance is required and students are allowed to miss (no more than) one session. In cases of illness or emergency students are kindly asked to send an e-mail to the lecturer beforehand.
  • reflection paper (10%). A reflection paper of each student has to be handed in on the 22nd May 2017 (1,500 words). It should highlight the main take-aways from a theoretical and practical perspective.
  • case study presentations (40%). Group of max. 5 people are pre-assigned. They are required to do two presentations. A report of the two presentations has to be handed in on 22nd May 2017.
  • peer rating (10%). Each group member's participation within the group will be assessed by the other group members.
Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

Availability of lecturer(s)
Last edited: 2017-02-03
