
5436 Business Project
Dr. Arthur Posch, Lea Zwickl, MSc(WU),MA, Univ.Prof. Dipl.Math.Dr. Gerhard Speckbacher
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
02/01/17 to 02/12/17
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Subject(s) Master Programs
Day Date Time Room
Tuesday 03/07/17 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.003
Monday 03/13/17 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Extern
Tuesday 03/14/17 08:00 AM - 02:00 PM Extern
Tuesday 03/21/17 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.004
Tuesday 03/28/17 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.004
Tuesday 04/04/17 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.004
Tuesday 05/02/17 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.004
Tuesday 05/09/17 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.004
Tuesday 05/16/17 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.004
Tuesday 05/23/17 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.004
Tuesday 05/30/17 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.004
Tuesday 06/06/17 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.004
Tuesday 06/13/17 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.004
Tuesday 06/20/17 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.004
Tuesday 06/27/17 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.004

Business Project: Managing creativity and innovation for business success


Today creativity and innovation are seen as the main factors for business success, not only for startups but also for established firms. However, even the most successful firms struggle with the question of how to direct employee creativity towards results that are useful for the organization, how to use external sources of creativity, how to decide which ideas are supported with firm resources (budget and staff) and how new ideas are best implemented in product development.

In this business project we will analyze how large established firms manage their creativity and innovation processes by using a range of management control techniques, such as innovation process specifications, performance measurement, budgeting and incentives. Students will conduct a number of interviews with top and middle managers of large firms, design a questionnaire to collect field data and they will statistically analyze this data. Insights from this field research will be compared to insights from the scientific literature and recent concepts forwarded by consultants such as the Design Thinking Approach. The project will be an ideal starting point for a Master or Bachelor Thesis in this field (possibly, in cooperation with one of the partner firms analyzed in this project).


- Students interested in creativity, innovation and management control will be part of a research project and learn how to do a practically relevant research study. Students will get unique real world insights into firm’s innovation and product development processes and they will have the chance to learn from the experiences of middle and top managers in large Austrian and International firms.

- Students will have the unique opportunity to develop and train their team-working and leadership skills. According to the „IfU Business Project Approach“ which has been awarded the Austrian State Price for teaching (Ars Docendi) 2016,  five Master Students will take the role of team leaders and lead small teams of Bachelor students. The experienced challenges of leadership will be discussed in class and all students (Bachelor and Master students) will have the opportunity to get invaluable „learning by doing“ leadership experience for their future career.

Application for this course is compulsory and comprises cover letter and CV. Application details with further infomation on the project and deadline will be sent via email in due course. Sole registration through the LPIS-System hence does not guarantee a spot.

Learning outcomes

After completing this class students will be able to:

  • conduct systematic literature reviews
  • critically read and make sense of research articles
  • structure complex business problems
  • design and implement research projects

Apart from that, completing this course will contribute to students' abilities to:

  • organize and manage a large-scale project in the field of strategic management and management control
  • pursue the project management (PM) activities and master the use of various PM tools
  • structure complex and ill-defined problems
  • apply theoretical knowledge from different fields to find creative hands-on solutions to real-life business problems.
Teaching/learning method(s)
  • Coachings
  • Group discussions about research papers
  • Group assignments
  • Individual assigments

The final grade of the course will depend on:
• group presentations including peer evaluation: 35%
• project handbook and presentations: 35%
• customer satisfaction - evaluation by partner firm: 10%
• PMO-reporting: 10%
• participation: 10%

Availability of lecturer(s)
The kick-off event of our project will take place in Retz (lower Austria). Participation is compulsory! More information will follow in due course.
Last edited: 2017-01-23
