Registration via LPIS
Research Seminar in Main Subject I - International Business
Research Seminar in Main Subject II - Marketing
Research Seminar in Main Subject II - International Business
Research Seminar in Main Subject III - Marketing
Research Seminar in Main Subject III - International Business
Research Seminar in Main Subject IV - Marketing
Research Seminar in Main Subject IV - International Business
Dissertation-relevant theories - Marketing
Dissertation-relevant theories - International Business
Research Seminar - Marketing
Research Seminar - International Business
Research Seminar - Marketing
Research Seminar - International Business
Research Seminar - Participating in scientific discourse I
Research Seminar - Participating in scientific discourse II
Day | Date | Time | Room |
Friday | 11/10/17 | 08:00 AM - 07:15 PM | Extern |
Saturday | 11/11/17 | 08:00 AM - 07:15 PM | Extern |
The seminar is a joint-research seminar with the University of Vienna. Our guest will be Prof. Adamantios Diamantopoulos, Ph.D., D.Litt. and his colleagues. His main research interests are in international marketing and research methodology, and he is the author of some 200 publications in these areas. His work has appeared, among others, in the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Service Research, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Retailing, MIS Quarterly, Organizational Research Methods, Psychological Methods, Information Systems Research, and Journal of Business Research.
Current and prospective doctoral/Ph.D. students have the opportunity to present their research ideas and proposed contributions. The presentations (PPP) may cover the following issues:
- Introduction: What is the purpose of this study (with an emphasis on contribution) ? Which research question(s) are addressed?
- Theoretical background: Theory-driven explanations.
- Hypotheses development: Based on the theoretical background, which hypotheses are derived
- Method: Presentation of an appropriate method to analyse data. Description of the sample/ the experimental setting and the stimulus material applied.
- Results: Brief presentation of the expected results.
- Discussion of the results: Theoretical and practical implications + limitations.
The seminar covers empirical as well as theoretical contributions across all fields of international marketing management. Presentations and discussions are held in English.
This research seminar provides a forum for perspective and current doctoral/Ph.D. students to interact with other fellow PhD students and faculty. During the presentations, the audience will give feedback on the presented topics and offer guidance for further steps. The seminar serves as a platform for interactive scientific exchange and aims to broaden the knowledge of participants in terms of the latest developments in the fields of international marketing management.
Specifically, the participants will obtain the following competences after the seminar:
- Understand what makes a good research topic
- Capability of writing clear and comprehensive research questions
- Formulation of researchable hypotheses
- Articulation of a systematic design for one's research project
- Justification of the chosen method
- Capability of presenting the research project
- Identifying practical and theoretical implications
- Identifying limitations, which contribute to further research questions
Interested students should submit a two–page proposal or synopsis of their research. The synopsis should include their research question, envisaged contributions, hypotheses, and methodology.
proposal / synopsis of research: 20%
participation in discussions: 50%
edited proposal / improved synopsis 30%
Please send the title and a short description of your research prior to the seminar to
External location within an approx. 50 km radius of Vienna. Details will be published at the beginning of October 2017