
4445 Foundations in International Marketing and Management
ao.Univ.Prof. Dr. Barbara Stöttinger
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
02/22/18 to 02/25/18
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Tuesday 03/06/18 03:30 PM - 05:00 PM TC.5.13
Thursday 03/08/18 03:00 PM - 06:00 PM TC.5.15
Tuesday 03/13/18 03:00 PM - 06:00 PM TC.3.21
Thursday 03/15/18 03:00 PM - 06:00 PM TC.3.05
Tuesday 03/20/18 02:45 PM - 05:45 PM TC.4.01
Tuesday 04/10/18 03:00 PM - 06:00 PM TC.4.01
Thursday 04/12/18 03:00 PM - 06:00 PM TC.3.05
Thursday 04/19/18 03:00 PM - 06:00 PM EA.6.026
Friday 04/20/18 03:00 PM - 06:00 PM TC.5.01
This course will cover the following topics:
  • The reality of a global market place
  • Markets in different stages of development: from economically developed to emerging and bottom-of-the-pyramid markets
  • Assessing the international environment across markets (e.g., PEST)
  • Market assessment and selection
  • Market entry alternatives
  • Global Market Segmentation - Targeting - Positioning
  • The Global Marketing Mix
  • Balancing standardization vs. adaptation of the global marketing mix
  • contemporary topics in global marketing

The course "Foundations in International Marketing Management" is closely linked to the course "Applications in IMM". While the "Foundations" course will provide the students with a fundamental understanding of key challenges and concepts in global marketing, these concepts will be applied in the "Applications" course using a computer-based international marketing simulation.

Learning outcomes

Students will learn how to ...

  • evaluate core concepts in international marketing for their applicability to managerial challenges across industries and countries
  • assess the value of emerging concepts for the overall international marketing framework
  • learn to apply key concepts in international marketing to specific company/market situations
  • identify research methods to solve specific challenges in international marketing through relevant secondary data sources
  • structure and restate complex international marketing challenges
  • gather and filter information efficiently and effectively on a specific research topic
  • learn to organize teamwork efficiently and effectively
  • reflect on others' and one's own role in a team
  • evaluate the individual learning and development progress
  • develop critical thinking
  • defend developed arguments orally and in writing 
  • structure material in to a coherent line of arguments and present it in a concise way
  • not only learn how to communicate information, but also develop creative ideas to get the message across
Attendance requirements

You can miss 10% of all session hours (2,5 hours) in total.

Teaching/learning method(s)
  • Lectures- Guest speakers
  • Case Studies- Research exercises
  • Interactive in-class discussion accompanied by videos and presentations
  • self-reflection through individual learning diaries

To be able to participate in this course, you have to have passed the entry exam successfully!

Individual Work:

  • Participation 10%
  • Peer Review 5%
  • Individual Learning Diary - needs to be submitted to receive a grade
  • Article Review 10%

Group Work:

  • Case 20%
  • Emerging Markets Poster Session 15%
  • Group Communications Project 20%
  • Distribution Jigsaw 20%

Grading Scheme (Total 100pts):

100-90 pts - 1
89-80 pts - 2
79-70 pts - 3
69-60 pts - 4
below 60 - failed

Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists
There's an obligatory entry test for this course. Please note that you will not be able to participate in this course if you don't pass the entry exam. The students who do not pass the exam will be deregistered from the course.Language: The exam language is English.Registration for the exam: please use WWW registration. Registration number: 4533 - please register for this course only! Details are available at:
1 Author: Hollensen, Svend
Title: Global Marketing

Publisher: FT Prentice Hall
Edition: 7th
Year: 2016
Content relevant for class examination: No
Content relevant for diploma examination: No
Recommendation: Strongly recommended (but no absolute necessity for purchase)
Type: Book
Recommended previous knowledge and skills
Students who choose to enter the IMM specialization and subsequently the "Foundations" course have to fulfill the general criteria to enter the specialization (relevant course credits) AND display a strong interest in marketing and its international application. Prior knowledge in marketing (e.g., basic marketing course) will support learning in the "Foundations" substantially, as the basics of marketing will not be reviewed in detail in this course. 
Availability of lecturer(s)
By arrangement via e-mail:

Regular attendance in the class is mandatory, particularly in the first session, as groups will be formed etc. All information subject to change!

Additional information on MyLEARN.



Unit details
Unit Date Contents
1 6.2.2018

Entry Exam - please see IMM-Homepage for further details!

2 6.3.2018

In this session, students will learn about ...

  • the course structure; key milestones and assignments will be discussed in detail
  • how globalization affects firms and how they can benefit from globalization within their business
3 13.3.2018

In this session, students will learn about ...

  • how emerging markets differ from economically advanced markets
  • how international marketing activities differ in EM
  • the future role of emerging markets in the global economy
  • marketing to the "Bottom-of-the-Pyramid"

Assignment due for this session: Poster Session

Further instructions for this assignment are provided on learn@wu and in the slide pack.

Guest Speaker: Mag. Bernhard Hötzl, Serial Entrepreneur

4 15.3.2018

In this session, students will learn about ...

  • how firms can analyse foreign markets across different dimension that are of importance to international marketing (e.g., PEST analysis)
  • how market selection can be carried out in a systematic way

Background reading: Chapters 1, 2, 6, 7, 8

Assignment due for this session: Article Review

Further instructions for this assignment are provided on learn@wu and in the slide pack.

    5 20.3.2018

    In this session, students will learn about ...

    • different entry modes that firms can use to enter a foreign market
    • how to evaluate the different entry modes and select the most appropriate one for the company Situation
    • the process of segmentation and targeting in the international Environment
    • how firms develop successful segmentation schemes

    Guest Speaker: Hannah Mayr & Benjamin Sanshie, L'Oréal 

    Assignment due for this session: Case Study - Part I

    In the case report (4-5 pages, 1,5 spaced) you are asked to do a country evaluation of Brazil - should they enter the market or not. During the "PEST" session we have talked extensively about how to evaluate foreign markets. So your report should this knowledge! So Part I is analyzing the market and come up with a conclusion on if at all and where to enter and why (so simply saying yes we enter, will not be enough...).

    Background Reading: Chapters 9-12

    6 10.4.2018

    In this session, students will learn about ...

    • the role of distribution in international marketing
    • how international distribution systems can be designed
    • which activities international marketers have to carry out to manage the distribution System

    Background reading: Chapter 16

    Assignment due for this session: Jigsaw

    Further instructions for this assignment are provided on learn@wu and in the slide pack.


    7 12.4.2018

    In this session, students will learn about ...

    • the role of national, international and global brands- the development of an international product portfolio- brands vs. counterfeits in the international market place- how to market services in the international environment
    • how product and promotion have to go hand in hand internationally 




    8 19.4.2018

    In this session, students will learn about ...

    • how to develop an integrated marketing communication strateg
    • whether and how firms standardize or differentiate their communication activities
    • different tools in international marketing communication

    Background reading: Chapter 17

    Assignment due for this session: Global Communications Project

    Further instructions for this assignment are provided on learn@wu and in the slide pack.

    9 20.4.2018

    In this session, students will learn ...

    • key concepts in international pricing
    • how to decide whether to standardize or adapt global pricing strategies
    • about special topics in international pricing

    Assignment due for this session: Case Study - Part II

    In this case report (similar format as Part I) you should think about how to enter the market. Now you should develop your recommendations along the lines of product/communication/price/distribution. They have, for example, a variety of brands available which they could implement, does that make sense or should they come with something new? How should they set up the other P's? etc.

    Please prepare your solution in PowerPoint Format this time!! 

    Last edited: 2018-03-12
