
4885 Personal Skills
Assoz.Prof PD Dr. Peter Keinz, Mag. Kathrin Reinsberger, Ph.D.
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
02/12/18 to 02/13/18
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Subject(s) Master Programs
Day Date Time Room
Friday 04/27/18 09:00 AM - 08:30 PM Ort nach Ankündigung
Saturday 04/28/18 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM Ort nach Ankündigung

This course is targeted at anyone interested in getting things done, both as an entrepreneur as well as intrapreneur. We will review general activity in the startup scene in Europa as well as the US. Based on best practices we will discuss what makes a good business idea and a good pitch (what do you need to convey?). After a general understanding of key success factors has been achieved, we will start working in groups as well as individuals to ensure theoretical learning is translated to practical experiences.

In this class, participants will get an understanding of:

What is an intrapreneur- vs. an entrepreneurship? What are the specific challenges of corporate vs. startup innovation?
What is a good business idea and how to validate the potential?
How to translate a business/ startup idea into a storyline?
And lastly, how to deliver an outstanding pitch?
Learning outcomes
After completing this class, students will have the ability to:

- Apply tools to assess a business/ startup idea,
- Develop coherent storylines to convey their desired messages,
- Prepare and deliver pitch presentations.
Teaching/learning method(s)
The course will combine various learning methods to deliver the different topics to the students. These will include theory input, open class discussions, interactive team work, and students' presentations.

25 % individual in-class exercises (individual assessment)

25 % group in-class exercises (group assessment)

50% participation in class (individual assessment)

Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists
Availability of lecturer(s)
In case of any administrative questions please contact
Last edited: 2017-10-23
