Registration via LPIS
Day | Date | Time | Room |
Tuesday | 04/24/18 | 01:00 PM - 03:30 PM | D3.0.233 |
Friday | 04/27/18 | 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM | Extern |
Wednesday | 05/02/18 | 09:00 AM - 11:30 AM | TC.5.27 |
Thursday | 05/03/18 | 08:30 AM - 11:00 AM | D5.1.001 |
Tuesday | 05/08/18 | 01:00 PM - 03:30 PM | D3.0.233 |
Wednesday | 05/09/18 | 09:00 AM - 11:30 AM | TC.5.27 |
Tuesday | 05/15/18 | 01:00 PM - 03:30 PM | D3.0.233 |
Thursday | 05/17/18 | 01:00 PM - 03:30 PM | EA.6.026 |
Tuesday | 05/22/18 | 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM | TC.2.02 |
Thursday | 05/24/18 | 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM | TC.0.04 |
The following topics will be addressed:
- Introduction to network design
- Assignment Problem
- Network problems: Transportation, Transshipment and Facility location problems
- Distribution Network Design
- Network design under uncertainty
After successfully passing the class, students should be able to know and apply the models and theories of network design in supply chains.
Furthermore, they should be able to develop and validate optimization models that allow them to compare different network design configurations and to find the optimal network design for a given situation.
Homework assignment 1: 20%
Homework assignment 2: 10%
Quiz: 20%
Final exam: 50 %
Cooperation with other students on homework assignments is encouraged. However, the final write-up must be done individually. ‘Duplicate’ homework write-ups are unacceptable and will receive a score of zero. (Any homework that is late will receive a score of zero.)
Grading scale:
- Excellent (1): 87.5% - 100.0%
- Good (2): 75.0% - <87.5%
- Satisfactory (3): 62.5% - <75.0%
- Sufficient (4): 50.0% - <62.5%
- Fail (5): <50.0%
Prerequisite for passing the course: minimum performance of 50% in the final examination.
Organisatorische Fragen zur Zulassung/Aufnahme
Die Zulassung zur SBWL erfolgt durch das Institut für Transportwirtschaft und Logistik:
Fragen zur Aufnahme, die nicht bereits im Internet (Informationsseite der SBWL) beantwortet werden, richten Sie bitte per E-Mail an
Inhaltliche Fragen zum Einstiegstest
Bei inhaltlichen Fragen zum Einstiegstest wenden Sie sich bitte an
Alle Kurse der SBWL Supply Networks and Serviceskönnen ausnahmslos nur nach positivem Abschluss des Zulassungsverfahrens besucht werden. Melden Sie sich NICHT vor Abschluss dieses Zulassungsverfahrens für den Kurs an.
The previous completion of a course introducing linear and integer programming is recommended for the participation in this course.
Mehdi Hakimifar