
1100 Environmental Change and Policy II
Dr. Martin Bruckner, Irene Monasterolo, Ph.D., PD Syed Ali Asjad Naqvi, Ph.D., Univ.Prof. Mag.Dr. Sigrid Stagl, M.S.
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/11/18 to 09/26/18
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Subject(s) Master Programs
Day Date Time Room
Thursday 10/04/18 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.002
Thursday 10/11/18 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.002
Thursday 10/18/18 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.002
Thursday 10/25/18 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.002
Thursday 11/08/18 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.002
Thursday 11/15/18 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.002
Thursday 11/22/18 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.002
Thursday 11/29/18 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.002
Thursday 12/06/18 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.002
Thursday 12/13/18 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.002
Thursday 12/20/18 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.002
Thursday 01/10/19 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.002
Thursday 01/17/19 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D5.1.002

The course introduces and critically examines some of the most widely used methodologies, methods and models for informing environmental policy and implementation across scales. By focussing on the nexus between methods and policy and practice, we assess critically how decision-support for socio-ecological problems may be effective. We draw connections to the underlying philosophy behind methodologies and methods including their ontological and epistemological foundations.

Learning outcomes

· Understand the nexus between theories, models, issues at stake, methods and policies

· Understand how to develop and apply some of the most widely used methods and modelling frameworks for the analysis of environmental and policy change

· Improved ability to critically evaluate methods and develop an ability to judge why some methods are more suitable than others for socio-ecological economic analysis

· Understand how ecological economic analyses can input into decision making processes in different contexts

· Attain a higher level of understanding about the workings of climate governance structures and public policy instruments

· Develop an ability to analyse strengths and weaknesses of existing environmental governance structures

· Understand different framings in the science-policy interface and develop ideas for alternative approaches

· As one focus area, be aware of different perspectives taken on the green economy discourse incl. implicit and explicit assumptions

Attendance requirements

Students should have at least 80% attendance in the course.

Teaching/learning method(s)

· Lecture-style input (in-class as well as lecturecast)

· Group exercises

· Individual hands-on exercises

· Group debate

· Journal and guiding questions

· Practice clinics


Formal grading (summative assessment) will occur through one group paper, three short individual papers. Grades are broken down as follows:

  • Individual paper 1 “Systems Modelling“                   30%;                   due: 07 Nov 2018 at 23:55
  • Individual paper 2 “Environmental Accounting“       30%;                   due: 28 Nov 2018 at 23:55
  • Group paper “Scenario Development and MCA”      10%;                   due: 19 Dec 2018 at 23:55
  • Individual paper 3 “Growth”                                      30%;                   due: 27 Jan 2019 at 23:55
  • Upload a file with your journal (see below);                                         due: 27 Jan 2019 at 23:55

These are strict deadlines! Submissions within 24 hours after the deadline will be accepted with a mark-down of 25% of points. Thereafter, we will not accept any submissions. No exceptions.

All submissions via assignment section at Learn@WU. Please remember to include all names in your submission.

You are expected to come to class prepared, i.e. having done the reading indicated with the respective class, undertaken other tasks assigned and install the relevant software:

Microsoft Excel


Visual Promethee:


Classroom etiquette

Be on time. Walking in late disturbs everyone. At this university and many places of employment, tardiness communicates lack of interest and lack of dependability. If you cannot avoid being late, make sure to be unobtrusive about your entry.

Please turn off and do not use mobile communication devices in class, you should be paying attention to the lecturer and class discussions, not communicating externally. Occasionally we will ask you to bring your laptop to class for some of the exercises. Also during these periods, we ask you to concentrate on the exercise and not to communicate externally.

While it is acceptable – and for health reasons recommended – to bring your filled water bottle to class, we ask you to wait for the break or the end of class to refill it.  Getting up and walking out during a session disturbs people and gives the impression that you don’t respect the class, the other students or the instructors.

Do not dominate other students’ opportunities to learn by asking too many questions. We encourage you to ask questions and make comments, but keep them related to the discussion at hand and allow also for space for others.

Unit details
Unit Date Contents
1 04.10.2018

From concepts and, theories to methods and models: pluralistic methodologies and multiple lines of evidence for informing sustainability transitions across science-society

· Introductions and organisational matters

· Understanding the nexus between theory and concepts, methods and models

· How to effectively constitute the science-policy- society interface?

· Exploring the link between EC&P I and EC&P II

· Introducing Journal

Additional Reading

Dow, S.C., 2007. Variety of methodological approach in economics. Journal of Economic Surveys 21, 447-465.

Turnheim,B., Berkhout, F., Geels, F., Hof, A., McMeekin, A., Nykviste, B., van Vuuren, D. (2105). Evaluating sustainability transitions pathways: Bridging analytical approaches to address governance challenges. Global Environmental Change 35: 239–253

van den Hove, S. (2007). A rationale for science–policy interfaces. Futures 39. 807–826

McNie, E. (2007). Reconciling the supply of scientific information with user demands: an analysis of the problem and review of the literature. Environmental science & policy 10, 17–38 

Hodgson, G. M. (2006). "What Are Institutions?" Journal of Economic Issues XL(1).

Stagl, S. (2012). Value articulating institutions and changing social preferences. Reflexive governance for global public goods. T. D. Eric Brousseau, Bernd Siebenhüner. Cambridge, MIT Press.

Start your Journal


2 11.10.2018

Systems analysis for policy: Methodological Approach

Bring laptops!

  • What is systems analysis? What does “thinking in systems” mean?
  • How is it part of Integrated Assessment approaches for sustainability analysis?
  • Why do we need Systems Analysis for informing sustainability policy?
  • Has Systems Analysis been effective in informing sustainability policy so far?


Meadows, D.H., 2008. Thinking in systems: A primer. Chelsea green publishing (selected chapters).

Raworth, K., 2017. Doughnut economics: seven ways to think like a 21st-century economist. Chelsea Green Publishing. (selected chapters).

Sterman, J.D., 2002. All models are wrong: reflections on becoming a systems scientist. System Dynamics Review: The Journal of the System Dynamics Society, 18(4), pp.501-531.

Sterman, J.D., 2001. System dynamics modeling: tools for learning in a complex world. California management review, 43(4), pp.8-25.

3 18.10.2018

Systems analysis for policy: Application

Bring laptops!

- Own application using VENSIM:

Learning how to System Dynamics modelling with Vensim: in-class exercises



Monasterolo, I., Pasqualino, R., Janetos, A.C. and Jones, A., 2016. Sustainable and Inclusive Food Systems through the Lenses of a Complex System Thinking Approach—A Bibliometric Review. Agriculture, 6(3), p.44.

Pasqualino, R., Jones, A.W., Monasterolo, I. and Phillips, A., 2015. Understanding global systems Today—A calibration of the World3-03 model between 1995 and 2012. Sustainability, 7(8), pp.9864-9889.

Sterman, J.D., 2000. Business dynamics: systems thinking and modeling for a complex world (No. HD30. 2 S7835 2000) (selected chapters),

Turner, G.M., 2008. A comparison of The Limits to Growth with 30 years of reality. Global environmental change, 18(3), pp.397-411.


4 25.10.2018

Systems analysis for policy: Application

Bring your laptop!

- System dynamics modelling of sustainability pathways: inside the World3 model of the Limits to Growth (1972).

- Discussion of the final individual paper. World Economic Forum “Global risks” report.



Meadows, D. and Randers, J., 2012. The limits to growth: the 30-year update. Routledge.

Individual paper due 7 Nov 23:55

5 08.11.2018

Environmental Accounting and Social Metabolism: Methodological Approach

Bring laptops!

  • How to holistically account for physical flows and environmental impacts?
  • How to correctly use and interpret environmental data?
  • Getting familiar with available data and sources


Haberl, Helmut, et al. (2004) Progress towards sustainability? What the conceptual framework of material and energy flow accounting (MEFA) can offer. Land Use Policy 21.3 (2004): 199-213.

Dittrich, M., Giljum, S. Lutter,S., Polzin, C. (2012). Green economies around the world? Implications of resource use for development and the environment. Vienna.

6 15.11.2018

Environmental Accounting and Social Metabolism: Footprints and Input-Output Analysis (please bring your Laptop!)

  • How to calculate and interpret footprint indicators from the micro to the macro level?
  • Hands on exercises using standard spreadsheet software (MS Excel or similar) or (for the advanced users) a programming environment (e.g. R, Python or Matlab)


Tukker, A., Bulavskaya, T., Giljum, S., de Koning, A., Lutter, S., Simas, M., Stadler, K., Wood, R., 2014. The Global Resource Footprint of Nations. Carbon, water, land and materials embodied in trade and final consumption, Leiden/Delft/Vienna/Trondheim.

7 22.11.2018

Environmental Accounting and Social Metabolism: Practical exercises

Bring laptops!

· Collect and assemble data for a country of your choice

· Integrate with IO tables and calculate footprints

· Analyse results for territorial and consumption-based environmental accounts


UBA (2016). The Use of Natural resources - Report for Germany 2016.

Individual paper due Wed 07 Nov 23:55  (the day before the next ECP II class)

8 29.11.2018

Bottom-up scenario development – Methodological Approach & Application

The Scenario Building Method: Approach and Applications class is taught in an inverted classroom format.   The lecture is provided online before class.  The in-class lecture is replaced with an organised scenario building exercise that gives the students hand on experience creating scenarios for an interesting and current topic.  This year, we will use the topic: A Car-free Vienna City Center by 2036.  The City Center is defined as Districts 1-9 from the Gürtel to the Donau.


Introduction to Scenario Building (2x approx. 15 min.) You must watch the Lecturecasts on scenario development on MyLearn before class.   We will need the time in class to do the scenario building.


· 1 journal article that is an overview of scenario building with a huge bibliography for future use (roughly 30 minutes to read). Amer, Muhammad, Tugrul U. Daim, and Antonie Jetter. "A review of scenario planning." Futures 46 (2013): 23-40.

1 Guardian newspaper article on urban mobility in Europe, focusing on car-free city centers (roughly 30 minutes to read).  “End of the car age:  how cities are outgrowing the automobile”, Stephen Moss, Tuesday 28 April 2015

9 06.12.2018

Multi-Criteria Analysis: Methodological Approach

Bring laptops!

  • Environmental valuation and integrated sustainability assessment
  • How can we support decision-making when multiple criteria need to be taken into consideration?
  • What do the different elements of the technical analysis mean?
  • How and why might we consider ‘broadening out’ the scope of what appraisal methods take into account and ‘opening up’ the effects they have on the political policy processes to which they relate?


Stagl, S. (2007). Emerging Methods for Sustainability Valuation and Appraisal - SDRN Rapid Research and Evidence Review, London, Sustainable Development Research Network: 92.

Stagl, S. (2006). "Multicriteria evaluation and public participation: The case of UK energy policy." Land Use Policy 23(1): 53-62.

Stirling, A. (2008). "’Opening Up’ and ‘Closing Down’: Power, Participation, and Pluralism in the Social Appraisal of Technology." Science, Technology & Human Values 33(2): 262-294

10 13.12.2018

Multi-Criteria Analysis: Application

Bring laptops!

Practice clinic: 24 January 2019 9am to 5pm (unless a project workshop is scheduled for this day – I’ll let you know asap)

Group paper due – 1 February 2019 at 23:55 (last day of semester)

Upload your paper using MCA listing the names of all authors at Learn@WU


What are quality criteria for high quality empirical ecological economic analyses?

Student led debate where all students will be expected to participate in different ways (e.g. develop positions, engage with opponents, questions from the floor).

Synthesis and feedback Science – Policy – Society Interface

11 20.12.2018

Green Growth? National System of Accounts (statistical analysis)

Bring laptops!

Set up the national system of accounts for a country of your choice. Understand the sectors of the economy:


Readings (do these before the class!):

Understand the European System of Accounts ver. 2010 (ESA 2010)

ESA 2010 replaced the ESA 1995 to update the numbers. To find out what major changes took places read the ESA 2010 FAQ:


ESA 2010 can be downloaded in German/French/English from:


Read Chapters 1 and 2 to get an overview. Understand the sectors, balance sheet items, stocks and flows. If you have time, also read Chapters 19 and 20 which specifically deals with the European Accounts and the government.


Understand the balance sheet reports on the ECB website

The general report can be downloaded from:  (Statistics Bulletin (full report))


Have a look at the following:

Table 3.1 shows the integrated economic and financial accounts and Tables 3.2-3.4 discuss the individual institutional sectors. Table 6.1 discusses the government balance sheet.


Download the dataset from Eurostat database


Look for the table nama_10_gdp in the tree (Economy and Finance). Download the ZIP file. Unzip it and import it in Excel.


Explanatory notes here:


Look for the table env_air_emis in the tree (Environment and Energy). Download the ZIP file. Unzip it and import it in Excel.

12 10.01.2019

Green growth? Environmental Accounts (statistical analysis) (Laptop)

Bring laptops!

Reading the database and setting up the excel file for the national accounts (nama_10_gdp)

13 17.01.2019

Green growth? Deriving decoupling indicators (statistical analysis) (Laptop)

Bring laptops!

Reading the database and setting up the excel file for emission accounts (env_air_emis)



Naqvi, A. and Zwickl, K. (2017): 50 Shades of Green: Revisiting Decoupling by Economic sector and Air Pollutants. Ecological Economics 133: 111-126.


Tapio, P. (2005). Towards a theory of decoupling: degrees of decoupling in the EU and the case of road traffic in Finland between 1970 and 2001. Transport Policy 12:137–151.


Write a short report (2000 words) on decoupling indicators on the country of your choice. Has the country decoupled? In which environmental indicators? Individual paper due 28 Nov 23:55

Last edited: 2018-10-16
