Registration via LPIS
The course provides participants with an overview ofinternational corporate governance systems and fundamental principles ofauditing annual financial statements, other assurance engagements and relatedservices. It also enhances the knowledge on recent regulatory actions toincrease transparency, comprehensibility, and the performance of corporategovernance systems worldwide. Key issues in international corporate governanceare illustrated by scientific papers and selected cases. The issues raised byabuses and scandals are integrated into class discussions and groupassignments.
By attending this course, students obtain thoroughknowledge about the key structure and elements of corporate governance systemsand fundamental principles of auditing. They learn about the formal andinformal contracts that bind together shareholders, directors, managers,employees, suppliers, customers and communities. They also learn lessons fromprominent fraud cases that happened in the past. After completing this course,the students have good understanding of the key elements shaping corporategovernance systems and they have the ability to critically evaluate a corporategovernance system.
The course consists of lectures, practical examples, discussions and group presentations. The lectures are based on parts of different international text books and regulation. Relevant chapters in the books and additional material will be announced throughout the course.
This course is a PI course with 80% attendance. Students who are not present in the first unit will be deregistered and the place will be given to some other student from the waiting list.
The students are expected to have a general understanding of corporate governance.