
5205 Seminar aus BIS
Dr. Shermin Voshmgir
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
02/07/19 to 02/24/19
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Friday 03/22/19 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM TC.3.06
Saturday 03/23/19 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM TC.3.06
Thursday 05/23/19 09:00 AM - 03:30 PM TC.3.07

If the Internet we use today is the Internet of information, blockchain is the Internet of value that can fundamentally disrupt business, economy & society as we know it. The aim of this seminar is to understand the basic principals and game-changing potential of blockchain, smart contracts, tokens, and the cryptoeconomic incentive mechanism behind distributed machine consensus. Furthermore, we will explore potential business models tokenized networks, smart contracts, and decentralized applications, discuss the role of a token and deep dive into the token economy.
About Blockchain
Blockchain, the technology behind Bitcoin, is considered by many to be the driving force of the net generation Internet - the Web3. Blockchain is a game changer that will allow us to distribute trust, creating the basis for a peer-to-peer crypto economy powered by self-enforcing code, and a new token economy building on a fat technology stack, with slim applications on top.

Learning outcomes

In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of blockchain technologies including consensus mechanisms, smart contracts, tokens, cryptographic signatures, decentralized applications, DAOs  (decentralized autonomous organizations). In your group work, you will focus on a token design of a company use-case. In your individual work, you will analyze one existing token.

Attendance requirements

Following attendance is mandatory:

  • attendance in the introductory unit (else you will lose the place in the course)
  • attendance of 90%
Teaching/learning method(s)
This course will be run as a combination of lectures, group study, discussions, and presentations. Substantial classroom discussion is encouraged and expected. All students are required to present a case study (alone or as part of group). In addition, there will be a written exam covering all the readings provided and items discussed during the course.

This is a block seminar, where we will deep dive into the theory of the technology in the first block (day 1&2). On the second day of the first block, we will have a written exam on  the contents of the following handbook:

Following videos can be useful as a primer, but will not cover all topics of the handbook.

The content of the exam is dense and diverse. We will use day 1 to answer all your questions on the study material. Your in-class participation that day will also affect your grade. Please note that you will need to dedicate time to study the material before the first class, so you don't fail the exam on day 2. If you fail to attend throughout the whole first 2 days, you will not be able to write the project paper. This theoretical know-how will serve as a basis for your seminar projects.

Please note that you need to attend the first block. Coming too late is not an option. Just partially attending the first two days is not an option either. You will lose your place in class if you fail to come on the first day and attend throughout the first 2 days.

  • Case Study: (50%)  Group work (practical) and Individual work (theoretical). 
  • In-class exam on day 2: (30%) This exam will include questions from reading materials.
  • Ongoing participation: (20%) in-class participation & activity in classroom work.
Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

Falls Sie eine gültige LV-Anmeldung haben, aber an dieser Lehrveranstaltung nicht teilnehmen können, melden Sie sich bitte während des Anmeldezeitraums über LPIS wieder ab, damit Ihr LV-Platz anderen Studierenden zur Verfügung steht.

Die Platzvergabe während der Anmeldefrist verfährt im „first-come, first-served Prinzip“.

Nach Ende der Anmeldefrist werden verfügbare LV-Plätze den Studierenden der Warteliste, die noch keine gültige Anmeldung zum Planpunkt haben, gereiht nach Studienfortschritt (Härtefallprinzip) vom Vizerektorat für Lehre und Studierende zugeteilt, nicht nach Wartelistenplatz.

Studierende, die unentschuldigt nicht zur ersten Einheit erscheinen, verlieren ihren Platz in der LV. Dieser wird an Studierende der Warteliste, die zur ersten Einheit kommen, nach Wartelistenreihenfolge vergeben.

1 Author: Shermin Voshmgir, Valentin Kalinov

Blockchain Handbook: A Beginners Guide
PDF download here

Year: 2017
Content relevant for class examination: Yes
Recommendation: Essential reading for all students
Type: Script
Additional (blank) field

You need to attend the first block.

Coming to late on the first day is not an option!

Just partially attending the first two days is not an option either.

You will lose your place in class if you fail to come on the first day and attend throughout the whole first 2 days.

Unit details
Unit Date Contents
Last edited: 2019-01-07
