
5801 Advanced Qualitative Methods for Socioeconomics
PD Dr. Felix Butzlaff
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
02/05/19 to 02/22/19
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Monday 03/11/19 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM D5.3.019
Monday 03/18/19 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM D5.3.019
Monday 03/25/19 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM D5.3.019
Monday 04/01/19 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM D5.3.019
Monday 05/06/19 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM D5.3.019
Monday 05/13/19 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM D5.3.019
Monday 05/20/19 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM D5.3.019
Monday 05/27/19 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM D5.3.019
Monday 06/03/19 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM D5.3.019

This research methods seminar aims to emphasize that every social, economic or ecological transformation or crisis within a society is necessarily based on changing and transforming more or less implicit assumptions about the characteristics of that very same society and the way how it is thought, conceptualized and imagined. This seminar explores and discusses research methods that have been developed to address changing societal notions of itself and the role of the individual in the production of social meaning. Democracy for example is an always evolving idea of “the democratic” and its implications and therefore every research dealing with a research puzzle concerning societal developments shall address methodically these shifting notions of the modern society itself. One of the key objectives of the course is to familiarize Ph.D. candidates and young scholars with particular theoretical approaches which are commonly used in social-science research.

This research methods seminar focuses on

  • selected qualitative methods and concepts, which very are commonly used for the analysis of modern societies. Furthermore, we will explore how these methods may be used to support research projects which fall into the realm of the social sciences.
  • the concrete practise of qualitative research design by looking at different qualitative research projects and retracing the process of data collection, data processing, data analysis and interpretation.
  • which research puzzles might be productively addressed with these methods and how they can be translated into precise research questions.
  • how the history of qualitative methods and philosophy has developed since the beginning of the 20th century to understand its development.
  • PhD theses and other research proposals will be presented, discussed and further developed.
Learning outcomes

Participants acquire detailed knowledge about

  • different methods and philosophies of qualitative research.
  • different notions of societal development, progress, modernisation etc.
  • how to use such notions to develop a theoretical approach for a particular research project
  • how to collect and process qualitative data in the field of social science research;
  • how to present a research project in the field of social science research;
  • how to critically engage with academic material presented in written or oral ways.
Attendance requirements

Compulsory attendance. If the student cannot attend the course, the course instructor has to be informed in advance. Further rules for absence et al. are detailed in the meeting.

Teaching/learning method(s)

The Seminar consists in equal parts of inputs by the Professor and by the Seminar participants. The detailed discussion of methodical articles, drafts manuscripts, published articles, the presentation and defence of the participants’ own work as well as own little research projects using qualitative methods will familiarize the seminar participants with modes of academic work at an advanced level.


Successful completion of this research seminar requires:

  • Regular seminar attendance (monitored) (20%)
  • Realization and defence of own little research projects, possibly but not necessarily related to the own PhD thesis (50%)
  • Formal literature review or assessment of a qualitative research project/academic article (30%)
Last edited: 2019-01-14
