
0113 E&I Core Lecture 1
Univ.Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/06/19 to 09/08/19
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Monday 10/07/19 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM D5.0.002
Monday 10/14/19 09:00 AM - 09:30 AM D5.0.001
Monday 10/14/19 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM D5.0.001
Monday 10/21/19 09:00 AM - 09:30 AM D5.0.001
Monday 10/21/19 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM D5.0.001
Monday 10/28/19 09:00 AM - 09:30 AM D5.0.001
Monday 10/28/19 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM D5.0.001
Monday 11/04/19 09:00 AM - 09:30 AM D5.0.001
Monday 11/04/19 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM D5.0.001
Monday 11/11/19 09:00 AM - 09:30 AM D5.0.001
Monday 11/11/19 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM D5.0.001
Monday 11/18/19 09:00 AM - 09:30 AM D5.0.001
Monday 11/18/19 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM D5.0.001
Monday 11/25/19 09:00 AM - 09:30 AM TC.0.01 ERSTE
Monday 11/25/19 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM D5.0.002
Monday 12/02/19 09:00 AM - 09:30 AM D5.0.001
Monday 12/02/19 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM D5.0.001
Monday 12/09/19 09:00 AM - 09:30 AM D5.0.001
Monday 12/09/19 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM D5.0.001
Monday 12/16/19 09:00 AM - 09:30 AM D5.0.001
Monday 12/16/19 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM D5.0.001
Tuesday 12/17/19 06:15 PM - 08:15 PM TC.0.03 WIENER STÄDTISCHE
Monday 02/10/20 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM TC.2.03

In this course, core theories and methods of entrepreneurship and innovation will be introduced and discussed. Together with Core Lecture 2, this course provides the theoretical basis for the SBWL.

In particular, we will cover the following eleven modules:

·     Module 1: Introduction
The importance of innovation, what an innovation is, the role of entrepreneurs, and some facts and figures on entrepreneurship and innovation

·     Module 2: A dynamic economy
How industries typically evolve, the innovation focus of specific phases, and how disruptive innovations start the process anew

·    Module 3: Individual and innovation
Creativity, typical entrepreneurial traits, the phenomenon of resistance against innovation, and general social psychology theories on innovation

·    Module 4: Entrepreneurial opportunities and sources of innovation
What opportunities are, what determines whether individuals identify them, and the phenomenon of user innovation

·    Module 5: Sources of innovation: Application and implementation
How commercial firms can benefit from user innovativeness – lead user method, toolkits, crowdsourcing, and other methods

·    Module 6: Strategy for innovation: Overview and technology analysis
Why strategy matters, theoretical approaches to generating sustainable competitive advantages, building blocks of innovation strategy at a glance, and technology analysis

      Module 7: Strategy for innovation: Customer analysis
Needs and demands, methods for analysis of preferences, segmentation, and positioning

·    Module 8: Strategy for innovation: Market & competitive analysis
Market attractiveness, market entry barriers, portfolio models, and profiting from innovation

·    Module 9: Strategy for innovation: Partners and cooperation
Why cooperating is important and difficult, prisoner‘s dilemma, and network effects

·    Module 10: Strategy integration
Some norm strategies, agile methods, business planning, and negotiations

·    Module 11: Empirical research
Why it matters, qualitative methods, quantitative methods from A to Z



Learning outcomes

After completing the course, students will be able to understand basic issues in the following areas, and apply them to real- life, current examples:

- general entrepreneurship and innovation

- the origins and discovery of innovation/opportunities

- the strategic implementation of innovation.

Students will know and understand important approaches, i.e. theories, methods and empirical findings in the areas general entrepreneurship and innovation, the origins and discovery of innovation/opportunities, and the strategic implementation of innovation. Students will be able to structure and solve complex problems in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation using existing theories, methods and empirical findings, as well as to reasonably evaluate existing solutions.


Students will also learn the following skills:

Social skills:

- Participating in different team work settings in order to solve problems/complete tasks Personal skills:

- Analyzing various perspectives of a given situation, for instance a practical innovation challenge, and developing suitable solution strategies

- Independently organizing their time and preparing for class each week Communication skills:

- Presenting and defending findings/solutions/ideas in a factual, logical and structured way

- Demonstrating argumentation skills (both verbally and in writing) Analytical and problem-solving skills:

- Analyzing real, multidimensional issues and developing solutions

- Identifying strengths, weaknesses, potentials, and risks

- Developing solutions and promoting innovation in organizations

By successfully completing the Core Lecture, students will be well prepared for the challenges of the upcoming practical and application- oriented projects in the Specialization’s application-oriented courses.

Attendance requirements

It is strongly recommended to attend at least 50% of the scheduled classes. Entrepreneurial students are expected to make an independent and responsible decision regarding participation. However, experience has shown that active participation is a crucial success factor.

Teaching/learning method(s)

Each Monday, there are two course units: Module Closing (course 4129 – late morning) and Module Opening (course 4661- noon). There is also a Module Check (early morning). Students can decide whether they want to participate in them or not.

Although there are two course units (4129 and 4661), students only need to enroll in ONE of the courses. The choice has no consequences. Particularly, students can freely decide whether they want to attend the Module Openings, the Module Checks, and the Module Closings.

If they attend, however, they are requested to actively participate: They should arrive in time and stay the whole unit, bring along their name plates (distributed in the first unit), make use of the interactive format, and refrain from using laptops and smartphones during the course.

In the “Module Opening“, the content of the respective Module will be explained. Typically, the lecturer will lead students through the slides, initiate discussions, provide examples, point to interdependencies, explain the big picture etc. The objective is to empower students to understand and apply the concepts in a better way. The time is Monday noon (Course 4661).

The “Module Check“ is a weekly short test on the module content, a week after the respective Module opening. It will be written in teams (up to three students) or individually. The time is Monday early morning. Module Checks will be graded within a week. Students can register for feedback by the feedback coach.

In the “Module Closing” (Course 4129), circa 15 minutes after the Module Check on Monday morning, the test question and potential answers are being discussed in order to facilitate effective learning.

The E&I Welcome Day (February 12, 2020) is part of the Core Lecture (including the Founders’ TV task) for E&I SBWL students. Participation is mandatory.


There are two different modes.

(1) The Individualist Mode is designed for students who have little time attending courses (e.g. because they are working) and/or have outstanding capabilities for learning independently. For them, there are three components for grading:

        · Founders’ TV (5% of the grade)

        · A seminar thesis (20% of the grade)

         · The exam at the end of the semester (75% of the grade)

Students in the Individualist Mode have the right to participate in Module Opening and Closing, but they not to participate in the weekly Module Checks. It is the default mode for students.


(2) The Community Mode is the designed for students who want to train their capabilities during the semester in the community of E&I students. For them, there are also three components for grading:

        · Founders’ TV (3% of the grade)

        · The weekly Module Checks (39% of the grade)

        · The exam at the end of the semester (58% of the grade)

Students in the Community Mode may participate in Module Opening and Closing and in the weekly Module Checks. We recommend this mode as experience has shown that many students have a hard time adapting to the transfer questions we ask in the exam. Students willing to switch to this mode agree to its features and send an E-mail to Ms. Hanousek during the first semester week.

The exam is identical for both variants. There will be a repeat exam at the end of the following semester break (it overwrites the first exam grade). It is necessary to achieve half of the points in the exam, otherwise the Core Lecture 1 grade will be negative.

Students who have an exchange semester in the following semester and hence cannot attend both exams (proof needed) can keep their points collected throughout the semester (via Module Checks). All other students need to repeat the course if there is a need (because they were negative or could not attend the exam).

Details will be discussed in the first unit of the course.

Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

Admission to the specialization "Entrepreneurship and Innovation".

1 Author: E&!
   Core Lecture 1


Year: 2020
Content relevant for class examination: Yes
Content relevant for diploma examination: No
Recommendation: Essential reading for all students
Type: Script
Availability of lecturer(s)

Please send a mail to

Unit details
Unit Date Contents
Einheit Datum Inhalte



A dynamic economy


Individual and innovation


Entrepreneurial opportunities and sources of innovation


Sources of innovation: Application and implementation


Strategy for innovation: Overview and technology analysis


Strategy for innovation: Customer analysis


Strategy for innovation: Market and competitive analysis


Strategy for innovation: Partners and cooperation


Strategy integration


Empirical research

Last edited: 2020-01-20
