
0630 Corporate IT II - E-Services
Soheil Human, MSc.
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/04/19 to 11/30/19
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Tuesday 12/03/19 01:00 PM - 05:30 PM D5.1.003
Tuesday 12/10/19 01:00 PM - 05:30 PM D5.1.003
Tuesday 12/17/19 01:00 PM - 05:30 PM D2.0.342 Teacher Training Raum
Tuesday 01/21/20 01:30 PM - 06:00 PM TC.3.09
Tuesday 01/28/20 01:00 PM - 05:30 PM TC.2.03

The market potential of  IT e-services business models has long been recognized. However, to fully realize the opportunity it necessitates the development of new approaches to the design and management aspects of the service business solutions.  The advancement in technology has enabled the business environments to embrace the emergence of e-services more efficiently.  e-Service has become a stimulus introducing more effective IT business model through better access to services and more efficient governance as well as virtualizing and democratizing the resources.  To make a more informed decision about IT environment, the IT strategists need to close or minimize their skill and knowledge gaps with this new working model and the supporting technology associated with it.  The objective of this course is to furnish the underlying principles and key aspects of IT and e-services required to understand the design and management of e-services solutions.  In addition to the concept, the class examines the practical knowledge, value, effectiveness and success of e-service business solutions.   It also addresses the view of the CIOs & other decision makers toward IT e-services and the implications of lack of such business model.

This course aims to furnish an in-depth understanding of the principles and key skills needed for the design and management of e-services, together with knowledge of their practical application.

The following aspects of corporate IT will be covered in this course:

  • IT Environment, IT as a Service (ITaaS)
  • Data Governance
  • IT Automation
  • Outsourcing
  • Cloud Computing
  • Intelligent & Cognitive Services, Analytics
  • Security, Privacy, and GDPR
  • Trust
  • Transparency, Accountability, and Fairness
  • Emerging Trends: IOT, NGI, Human-centric Computing, etc

A case study discusses the challenges of implementing this emerging practice.

The focus of the course is on theoretical concept as well as practical knowledge aspect of IT e-services.  The structure, flow, and modularization of the content allow the participants to be more engaged and keep attention to the topics interested and relevant to them.

Learning outcomes

After attending this course, students will be able to understand, describe and evaluate the state-of-the-art development in the area of corporate IT and its potential for companies.

Attendance requirements

Attendance in class is mandatory

Teaching/learning method(s)

This class sees a mixture of top-down lecturing, group work and discussions in class, in-class debates, videos, etc.

  • Topic lectures given by course instructor
  • In course exercises and activities
  • Assignments
  • Final exam/project
  • Assignments: 30 credits
  • In class exercises: 15 credits
  • Final exam/project: 55 credits
  • A positive grading requires a student to obtain at least 50% of the obtainable credits


The scale is non-linear, representing different levels of achievement:

  • under 50 points     5 (fail)
  • under 60 points      4
  • under 75 points      3
  • under 90 points      2
  • 90 points or more   1
Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists
  • Courses: Course I of the SBWL: Foundations in ICT (Grundzüge der ITK) for WU students attending the specialisation - this is a fixed restriction in the SBWL that cannot be waived under any circumstances!
  • Administrative: Registration in the LPIS, attendance and participation (quiz) in the first unit

Please note:

  • The number of available places is limited and there is often a list of students waiting for free places. If you have signed up for the course and during the registration period find out you will not attend, please remove your name from the list via LPIS. This will make your place available to others.
  • The assignment of available places in the course is based on the „first-come, first-served" principle.
  • The participation in the first unit is mandatory; students who fail to come lose their place in the course. This place will be allocated to students in the waiting list who come to the first session according to the waiting list order. Students can excuse themselves from the first unit by contacting the instructor with a valid reason; they can only keep their place if the reason for missing the first unit is serious and will concern only the first unit.
Recommended previous knowledge and skills

It is recommended that you have knowledge of the use of ICT in corporate context (e.g. from the WU courses BIS I and ICT Basics).

Availability of lecturer(s)

Lecturer:   Soheil Human


By Appointment

Room: D2.1.094 (Building D2, entrance C)

Last edited: 2019-04-29
