
1293 Specialization in Business Administration Course I - Introduction to Supply Chain Management
Mag.Dr. Christian Burkart, MSc (WU), Dr. Romana Polt, BEd
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/19/19 to 09/22/19
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Tuesday 10/01/19 09:30 AM - 12:00 PM TC.2.03
Thursday 10/03/19 09:30 AM - 12:00 PM TC.2.03
Tuesday 10/08/19 09:30 AM - 12:00 PM TC.4.01
Thursday 10/10/19 09:30 AM - 12:00 PM TC.2.03
Tuesday 10/15/19 09:30 AM - 12:00 PM TC.5.03
Thursday 10/17/19 09:30 AM - 12:00 PM TC.4.03
Tuesday 10/22/19 09:30 AM - 12:00 PM TC.5.03
Thursday 10/24/19 09:30 AM - 12:00 PM EA.6.026
Thursday 10/31/19 09:30 AM - 12:00 PM TC.2.01


The lecture is structured as follows:

  • Introduction to Supply Chain Managementand Supply Chain Performance: Achieving Strategic Fit and Scope
  • Supply Chain Drivers and Metrics
  • Demand Forecasting in a Supply Chain
  • Inverted Classroom: Introduction to Linear Programming
  • Integer Programming and Aggregate Planning
  • S&OP
  • Game
  • Coordination and IT




      Learning outcomes

      After successful completion of the module, students should have acquired an understanding of the basic principles and concepts of Supply Chain Management. The first  two lectures elaborates on this through the focus on performance measurement and drivers and metrics of SCs, then the focus shifts to demand forecasting before switching to an introduction on linear programming (LP) . In session 5, students become familiar with the concepts of Integer Programming and Aggregate Planning and in session 6 with Sales and Operations Planning followed by an educational game exemplifying the previously covered topics. The last lecture discusses coordination in SCM and the role of IT in the supply chain. Various cases enable the students to gain deep context knowledge and prepare them for applying their new skills in the business environment.

      Attendance requirements

      Attendance in the first lecture is mandatory for the participation in the course and SBWL. If an absence cannot be avoided inform the lecturers at before class and provide some form of proof for the absence (e.g. medical confirmation) in the next session. In total, a minimum requirement for attendance of 80% is required to pass the course.

      If the attendance falls below 80% for students receiving partial credit, students are graded with 5 (Nicht genügend). See further:

      Teaching/learning method(s)

      Lectures, Case Studies, HW Assignments and In-Class Exercises


      Additional tutorials are offered on the following dates (not obligatory but highly recommended):

       4.10.2019 10-12 D2 -1.019  Tutorial on the basics of Excel (see download section for tutorial contents)
      25.10.2019 10-12 TC 3.11 Tutorial on defined contents of the course



      HW Assignments: 30%

      Case Studies: 20%

      Final Exam: 50 % 

      Lectures start punctually. In case of in-class assignments, be aware that they are most likely to take place at the beginningof a lecture. If students are absent during the in-class assignments no make-up assignments are granted.

      If a student misses the final exam, he or she can repeat the exam only if he or she provides sufficient proof of the necessity of the absence (illness, accident…). If the student misses a performance assessment worth less than 50% of the grade (e.g. a mid-term quiz), opportunities to repeat the assessment can be provided optionally by the lecturers and in any case require sufficient proof for the necessity of the absence as well.

      Cooperation with other students on homework assignments is encouraged. However, the final write-up must be done individually. ‘Duplicate’ homeworkwrite-ups are unacceptable and will receive a score of zero. (Any homework thatis late will receive a score of zero.)

      The final exam has to be passed with at least 50% of maximum points. (Passing the final exam is mandatory for positive evaluation of this course.)





      Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

      Information for WU bachelor students (Not relevant for incoming students):

      Organisatorische Fragen zur Zulassung/Aufnahme
      Die Zulassung zur SBWL erfolgt durch das Institut für Transportwirtschaft und Logistik:

      Fragen zur Aufnahme, die nicht bereits im Internet (Informationsseite der SBWL) beantwortet werden, richten Sie bitte per E-Mail an

      Inhaltliche Fragen zum Einstiegstest
      Bei inhaltlichen Fragen zum Einstiegstest wenden Sie sich bitte an

      Alle Kurse der SBWL Supply Networks and Services können ausnahmslos nur nach positivem Abschluss des Zulassungsverfahrens besucht werden.

      1 Author: Sunil Chopra und Peter Meindl

      Supply Chain Management

      Strategy, Planning and Operation

      Publisher: Pearson
      Edition: 5th Edition - Global Edition or 6th Edition - Global Edition (2016)
      Remarks: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16
      Year: 2013
      Content relevant for class examination: Yes
      Recommendation: Essential reading for all students
      Type: Book
      2 Author: Bertsimas Freund


      Data, Models and Decisions: The Fundamentals of Management Science


      Publisher: Dynamic Ideas
      Year: 2004
      Content relevant for class examination: Yes
      Recommendation: Strongly recommended (but no absolute necessity for purchase)
      Type: Book
      3 Author: Anderson Sweeney Williams

      An introduction to management science : quantitative approaches to decision making

      Publisher: Cengage
      Edition: 13
      Year: 2011
      Content relevant for class examination: Yes
      Recommendation: Strongly recommended (but no absolute necessity for purchase)
      Recommended previous knowledge and skills
      Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Excel and linear programming (as provided in the entrance exam literature)
      Availability of lecturer(s)

      Christian Burkart:

      Office hours on demand


      Fabian Seeber





      Frei definierbares Kommentierungsfeld

      We recommend to inscribe into the mailing list:

      Additionally, we inform you about the students´ facebook group:

      Moreover, we suggest you to participate in talks of the speakers series of the research institute of Supply Chain Management:
      Last edited: 2019-09-10
