
2295 Hot Topics in Marketing: Growth Hacking
Assoz.Prof PD Dr. Ulrike Kaiser, Alper Kurt
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/19/19 to 09/26/19
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Friday 10/11/19 01:00 PM - 06:00 PM TC.3.10
Saturday 10/12/19 09:30 AM - 03:30 PM TC.3.10
Thursday 10/24/19 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM TC.3.05
Thursday 11/14/19 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM TC.3.09
Thursday 11/28/19 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM TC.4.28
Thursday 12/12/19 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM D3.0.233

A growth marketer’s job is to explore and test growth experiments across all marketing channels and along the whole funnel of a business. The methodology of growth hacking is relevant to almost any industry, and to both start-ups and corporates. For example, if you have a mobile app, you might be looking for ways to increase the monthly install rate, if you have an e-commerce shop, the challenge is to increase the shopping basket volume, if you are working for a charity, the goal is to grow the number of regular donors. In this course you will acquire basic knowledge and skills in the data-driven process of growth hacking. More generally, the course covers concepts and practical tools in digital marketing, in particular search engine marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, e-mail marketing and website design. This is an applied project-based course. Students are expected to contribute actively throughout the semester, both in class as well as between classes. After the kick-off sessions, you will work on a growth marketing challenge in a team of international students. While we expect students to have some interests in digital technologies and data analytics, no previous knowledge in data analytics, statistical analyses or programming is required.  

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, students will have gained some proficiency in the method and process of growth marketing. Furthermore, students will be familiar with a set of concepts and practical tools not only relevant to growth hacking, but to (digital) marketing in general. In particular, students will have acquired knowledge and skills in

- identifying and analyzing a growth challenge

- digital marketing metrics (click-through rate, conversion rate, etc)

- the data-driven process of rapid experimentation across various digital channels

- content marketing

- data analytics (e.g,  google analytics)

- practical markting tools and frameworks (e.g., persona analysis, growth plan, social media marketing tools, landing page builders, etc.)


In addition, you will have developed your soft skills in

- creative thinking and ideation

- working in international teams

- giving and receiving feedback

- communicating and presenting in English

Attendance requirements

Participation in all sessions is mandatory. You may miss up to max. 20% of class hours (i.e. 4.5 hours in total), but please note that any absences are likely to negatively affect your learning success and, indirectly, your course grade.

Teaching/learning method(s)

- Lecture

- In-class discussions

- Self-study (readings and own research of case studies, articles, blogs, and e.g., video tutorials)

- Group project in an international team


Your grade will be the sum of the following components (max. 100 points)

- Literature quiz: 30 pts

- Project work 50 pts (two progress reports with 10 pts each, 30 pts for final presentation)

- In-class participation: 10 pts

- Peer rating: 10 pts


Grades are as follows:


91 pts or more: 1 (= excellent), 80 pts or more: 2 (= good), 70 pts or more: 3 (=satisfactory), 60 pts or more: 4 (= sufficient), 59 pts or less: 5 (= fail).  

Availability of lecturer(s)

Please contact us via e-mail

Unit details
Unit Date Contents
1 11.10.2019

Kick-off: Introduction to growth hacking 1

2 12.10.2019

Kick-off: Introduction to growth hacking 2

3 24.1

Literature quiz (30 minutes)

Team presentations of grwoth hacking challenge (Progress report 1)

4 14.11.2019

Team presentations of growth hacking challenge (Progress report 2)

5 28.11.2019

Individual team coachings (feedback and discussions). In this session, there is no regular class but instead, each team will be allocated a 45 minute slot.

6 12.12.2019

Final presentations and dicussion of take-aways

Last edited: 2019-07-05
