Registration via LPIS
Day | Date | Time | Room |
Tuesday | 12/01/20 | 11:30 AM - 02:30 PM | Online-Einheit |
Thursday | 12/03/20 | 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM | Online-Einheit |
Thursday | 12/10/20 | 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM | Online-Einheit |
Tuesday | 12/15/20 | 09:30 AM - 01:00 PM | Online-Einheit |
Thursday | 12/17/20 | 09:30 AM - 01:00 PM | Online-Einheit |
Tuesday | 01/12/21 | 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM | Online-Einheit |
Thursday | 01/14/21 | 09:30 AM - 12:00 PM | Online-Einheit |
Thursday | 01/21/21 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Online-Einheit |
On this page:
- Contact details
- Procedure for the course when limited activity on campus
- Contents
- Learning outcomes
- Attendance requirements
- Teaching/learning method(s)
- Assessment
- Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists
- Recommended previous knowledge and skills
- Availability of lecturer(s)
- Readings
- Unit details
- Der Kurs findet im Distanzmodus zu den angegebenen Kursterminen statt. Wir wechseln auf eine Online-Kursumgebung (MS Teams etc.).
- Die Teilnahmevoraussetzungen, die Lehrmethode, die Aufgaben und die Bewertung bleiben wie im Lehrplan beschrieben. Ein Wechsel des Lehrmodus (Online-Lernen) hat keine Auswirkungen auf den Lehrplan.
The course covers the main concepts about the analysis of business processes from a technological perspective, from the implementation in IT systems to process mining. More in details, the arguments covers: the foundation of process implementation through Business Process Management Systems (BPMSs); the simulation of processes and their quantitative analysis; the fundamental of process mining, with a particular focus on the automated discovery of processes out of event logs and conformance checking of reality against the expected process. All the contents present an interleaving between their theoretical foundations and their practical application through analytical software.
Successful students will be able to understand and analyze the execution of business processes on IT systems. They will realize the value of data associated with processes. They will acquire the (theoretical and practical) skills to extract value out of it. They will understand the machine-based mechanisms that discover process models out of recorded process executions and find the deviation in executing the process.l They will learn to use commercial tools used in industry for process mining.
This course is a PI type. It is possible to be absent in one class. In case you need to miss more than one class, this must be adequately justified. Please promptly contact the instructor.
Students who miss the class are required to engage in self-study to catch up with the contents.
UPDATE-COVID19 -> [Distance learning]
Classes will be held on Microsoft Teams, which is available to all WU students and employees via their Office365 accounts. Invitations will be sent to every participant by the instructor.
The course is designed as a mixture of lectures with accompanying project assignments.
Both theoretical contents and hands-on sessions will be held. Tools used in the course will include the BIMP process simulator ( and the Celonis Process Mining platform ( All the tools are web services, thus accessible directly via modern web browsers.
The final grade is assigned based on the following proportions:
20% - Individual assignment on quantitative analysis
20% - Individual assignment on process mining
40% - Group assignment on process mining using Celonis
20% - Online written exam
Participants are expected to be familiar with the content of the course Business Process Management. Generally, it is assumed that the concepts described in Dumas et al.: Fundamentals of Business Process Management, 2nd edition, Springer 2018, are understood.
It is required that the “Process Innovation” course has been already regularly attended and that the following notions are already acquired:
- Business Process Management (BPM), its initiative, goals, and life-cycle;
- Business process identification, discovery, analysis, and re-design phases;
- Business process modeling using BPMN.
Basic notions of set theory are recommended.
Basic programming knowledge is recommended.