
0642 E&I Project 5: EduTech Strategy
Caroline Fabian, M.Sc. (LSE), M.Sc. (Eng.), Shtefi Mladenovska, M.Sc.
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/16/22 to 09/18/22
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Monday 10/03/22 08:00 AM - 09:00 AM D5.1.003
Thursday 10/06/22 09:30 AM - 06:00 PM D5.1.004
Friday 10/07/22 09:30 AM - 02:00 PM D5.1.004
Thursday 10/20/22 03:30 PM - 04:30 PM D5.1.001
Thursday 11/03/22 03:30 PM - 05:00 PM D5.1.003
Thursday 11/24/22 03:30 PM - 05:30 PM D5.1.001
Thursday 12/15/22 03:30 PM - 05:30 PM D5.1.004
Tuesday 01/17/23 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM LC.0.100 Festsaal 1

In the course "EduTech Strategy" students will be introduced to various business models, strategies and technologies employed by the educational technology sector. In the last years, technology has changed the way people learn (e.g., online and mobile learning, learning through VR instead of hands-on learning) - and new trends such as Information society and Industry 4.0 require new skills to be taught.

In close partnership with a German partner company, the world-leader in technical education, students will work on projects to directly support the company in formulating strategies to cope with new challenges such as online business models, entry into new markets, and new application areas for  technologies such as virtual and augmented reality.

Learning outcomes

"EduTech Strategy" is a project course that integrates theoretical knowledge and practical application. It enables students to:

  • Get insights into trends that shape company strategy such as digitalization, emerging markets and the increasing importance of technologies such as VR
  • Understand how a company’s strategic decisions are based on a thorough understanding of its own competencies, the overall market and the clients
  • Work on topics in close cooperation and coordination with the management team of the corporate client  

Through the work on their projects, students will also improve their communication and team working skills through

  • team work, interactive discussions and workshops
  • continuous exchange and engagement with the project partner
  • exchange with industry experts and external coaches
Attendance requirements

As the interaction with other students as well as external stakeholders is an integral part of this course, active participation in-person is important.

Students must attend at least 80% of all classes and events to successfully complete the course. However, due to their importance in reaching the course goals, 100% attendance is required for the literature test 03.10.2022), kick-off (06. & 07.10.2022), mid-term and final presentations (dates tba) as well as the E&I Touchdown event (17.01.2023). In case of absence due to illness for the literature test, an alternative exam (written or oral) will be provided to the student. For the kickoff, absences (up to maximum of 1,5h) due to a scheduled written exam at WU can be excused if the course instructors are notified with a proof of examination before the kickoff.

In general, all absences in the course must be notified to the course instructors via email (if possible in advance) and confirmation (for example a medical certificate, or in case of an exam a note confirming the date of the written examination) must be submitted as soon as possible. Absences can result in additional compensation work to ensure the course's learning outcomes.


Information for E&I students taking a semester abroad that starts in January
At E&I we value the international experience our students get from taking an exchange semester abroad. We also understand that some exchange semesters already start in January, leading to schedule overlaps with our courses. In that case, we will enable you to take the project course. Please inform your course instructors and fellow team members when the semester starts to make the necessary arrangements and counterbalance the absence in the last month by distributing the workload in a fair and reasonable manner among all team members in advance.


Teaching/learning method(s)

- Self-study (literature package)
- Teaching the theoretical basics on two kick-off days (lectures, case studies, group discussions, team work)
- Working on real and relevant practical projects in close cooperation with the world-leading provider of equipment and solutions for technical education.
- Workshops and coaching from external partners (top experts from practice)
- Peer feedback
- Documentation and presentation of work progress and results



Performance is assessed based on individual as well as group work throughout the semester.

Grading system:

  • 60% Group-based performance
  • 10% Midterm presentation
  • 10% Midterm report
  • 20% Final presentation
  • 20% Final report
  • 40% Individual performance
  • 10% Literature test
  • 25% ongoing participation and project management
  • 5% Reflection essay

Additionally, there will be mid-term and end of term peer ratings of the team members which may result in individual up- or downgradings.

Literature test

The literature test takes place on the WU campus on October 3rd, 2022, from 8:00 - 8:30 am. The test examines the basic and in-depth knowledge that is absolutely necessary for the participation in the projects. You can find a literature list @learn with basic literature and course-specific additional literature for self-study. If you fail the literature test (less than 50%), you will be automatically transferred to the Analyst Support Program. As a student in the Analyst Support Program (ASP), you will work individually instead of working on a group-based project during the semester. The course instructors are responsible for the design of the program. In case of non-participation (e.g. due to illness) a medical certificate must be presented. For this purpose, a substitute exam will be offered.

Attendance: In order to successfully pass this course, your absence is limited to 20% of our appointments.
Please note that the attendance of the literature test, the kick-off and the E&I Touchdown is obligatory!

Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

Students enrolled in the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Specialization Program.

Please note that course registration is binding. The moment your registration is received, it is regarded as a clear commitment on your part. Students cannot transfer to another course (once the add/drop period is over) with no exceptions, as it would be unfair to other students (who might not have gotten into the course of their choice because of the spot you registered for). The number of students accepted to the course will only be expanded if there is no space in any other course 4/5.

Attention: the obligatory literature test will be held on 3 October 2022 between 8:00 and 8:30am. Course participation is only possible by passing the literature test – if you cannot attend the test, we kindly ask you to not register for this course. Detailed information regarding contents and location of the test will be provided after the registration phase for this course. The literature test in this course overlaps with other courses within Course 4&5 of the specialization Entrepreneurship & Innovation. A parallel attendance of these courses is not possible.


1 Author: Mandatory readings for all E&I project courses
Content relevant for class examination: Yes
Content relevant for diploma examination: No
Recommendation: Essential reading for all students
2 Author: Tsedal Neeley and Paul Leonardi

Developing a Digital Mindset

Publisher: Harvard Business Review
Remarks: Available in the download section on Learn@WU
Year: 2022
Content relevant for class examination: Yes
Recommendation: Essential reading for all students
Type: Journal
Availability of lecturer(s)

Please make an appointment by email:,

Last edited: 2022-09-16
