Registration via LPIS
Day | Date | Time | Room |
Tuesday | 10/11/22 | 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM | TC.3.07 |
Tuesday | 10/18/22 | 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM | TC.3.07 |
Tuesday | 10/25/22 | 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM | TC.3.07 |
Tuesday | 11/08/22 | 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM | TC.3.07 |
Tuesday | 11/15/22 | 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM | TC.3.07 |
Tuesday | 11/22/22 | 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM | TC.3.07 |
Tuesday | 11/29/22 | 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM | TC.3.07 |
Tuesday | 12/06/22 | 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM | TC.3.07 |
Tuesday | 12/13/22 | 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM | TC.3.07 |
Tuesday | 12/20/22 | 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM | TC.3.07 |
Tuesday | 01/10/23 | 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM | TC.3.07 |
Tuesday | 01/17/23 | 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM | TC.3.07 |
Friday | 01/20/23 | 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM | TC.3.12 |
Monday | 01/23/23 | 06:30 PM - 08:30 PM | Präsenz-Prüfung |
The organising principle of the EBC2 course focuses on English communication skills in a business context. In each unit, business content and terminology as well as relevant language skills are embedded in interactive exercises and communicative tasks.
The EBC2 syllabus consists of the following:
- all material contained in the EBC2 Coursebook (see 'Literature' below) and in the supplementary material on LEARN
- all grammatical issues covered in those sections of the Mautner/Ross grammar (see 'Literature' below) explicitly mentioned in the EBC2 Coursebook
Students are also expected to have mastered the material covered in EBC1.
In EBC2, students are required to demonstrate a level of general English competence equivalent to an upper B2 on the Common European Framework . For a grade 1, students should also be able to demonstrate some evidence of skills that are normally considered C1 standard.
Additionally, after successfully completing this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand and apply key reading strategies
2. Appreciate the key principles of paragraphing and apply them in reading and writing
3. Understand and apply the concept of the Businesslike Zone
4. Develop and use a range of business vocabulary and collocations correctly
5. Demonstrate a solid command of standard English grammar and syntax
6. Recognise and apply rhetorical strategies and devices for effective persuasive communication in both speaking and writing
7. Write appropriate and effective texts for a range of different business situations
8. Give a short, persuasive group presentation appropriate for a business context
As with all PI courses, attendance is a requirement to pass EBC2. As a special concession, you may miss up to three (3) meetings of your LV. However, if you miss a fourth, you will no longer be able to pass the course. This condition applies whatever the reasons for your absences may have been.
This attendance requirement will also apply if it is necessary to return to online teaching.
Please note: EBC2 is currently scheduled to take place on campus. This may change depending on developments with Covid-19 and the government regulations. Please keep checking your WU email and the notices (Ankündigungen) on LEARN for up-to-date information.
Classes are of a workshop nature and involve a wide range of activities based on the course literature and designed to develop the skills and knowledge that you need to fulfil the assessment criteria. Each unit of the Coursebook examines a specific communicative skill. Students will practise and develop these skills by actively participating in interactive exercises such as:
- reading and working with texts
- listening to and discussing the content of short recordings
- development of paragraph-writing skills
- further language development, involving both vocabulary and more advanced structures
- writing and evaluating of short texts in response to instructions
- preparation and delivery of oral presentations
Some activities will take the form of pair or small-group work.
Provided you satisfy the attendance requirement, your final score will be made up of the following four elements (details are given below):
- Home exercise 5%
- Presentations: 25%
- Reflection/feedback 10%
- FT: 60%
If you do not submit the Home Exercise or do a presentation, and you attend no classes after Unit 5, you will receive no grade, and you will not lose an 'Antritt'. Otherwise your grade will be based on your final score, as follows:
- 90-100% - grade 1
- 80-90% - grade 2
- 70-80% - grade 3
- 60-70% - grade 4
- 0-59% - grade 5
As EBC2 is a PI class, if you receive a grade 5 you will have to re-take it in a later semester in full (i.e., including class attendance and all assessment elements).
If you wish to take this course you must register for an individual class (LV) using the LPIS system; individual EBC2 instructors are NOT involved in registration and will NOT reply to mails on the subject.
Please note that it is generally NOT true that all EBC2 places are taken as soon as registration starts; once ALL available places have been taken, more will be opened gradually, up to the limits set by room size and pedagogical considerations. Registration is effected on a first-come, first-served basis. Any unfilled slots will be filled from waiting lists in accordance with study progress and in cooperation with the Vizerektorat für Lehre und Studierende.
Having registered for a class you must attend it and no other throughout the semester.
You do not need to register separately for the Final Test (PI).
In order to take EBC2 you must have:
- satisfied the general requirement for progression beyond the CBK of your degree programme; and
- passed EBC1 (official title: Fremdsprachliche Wirtschaftskommunikation I - Englisch).
You can contact your course instructor during his/her office hours, immediately before or after class or by mail (see above).