
1169 Service Operations Management
Jorao Gomes Junior, MSc., o.Univ.Prof. Dr. Alfred Taudes
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/12/22 to 09/30/22
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Thursday 10/06/22 02:00 PM - 05:30 PM TC.5.12
Monday 10/10/22 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D2.0.038
Thursday 10/20/22 02:00 PM - 05:30 PM TC.5.12
Thursday 10/27/22 02:00 PM - 05:30 PM TC.5.12
Thursday 11/03/22 02:00 PM - 05:30 PM TC.5.12
Monday 11/07/22 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM TC.3.09
Thursday 11/17/22 02:00 PM - 05:30 PM D3.0.222
This course deals with the production and delivery of services. Services differ from physical goods. They typically are intangible and are not storable, not transportable and highly variable. These characteristics pose special problems when managing the operations of service operations. This course covers a mix of topics with an emphasis on simple quantitative methods and strategic frameworks.

Course Outline and Plan

1. Nature of Services and Service Strategy
2. Service Quality, New Service Development, Technology
3. Service Process Management
4. Service Process Management Case Presentation
5. Service Facility Location
6. Matching Supply and Demand
7. Waiting Line Management and Personnel Management
Learning outcomes

Students are able to 

  • understand the nature of services
  • comprehend the tasks of managing services
  • apply and analyse simple models of services 

Attendance requirements

For this course we expect students to participate in the first introductory unit as it is a prerequisite for the subsequent lectures and students who miss the first lecture will not be able to continue the course. There is no opportunity to catch up or redo the first unit. As the type of this class is ‘PI’ students are expected to be present for 90% of the total time. This is true regardless of whether the class will be conducted in distance learning or in presence. For online classes students have to have their camera turned on, be prepared and participate in discussions. Students will be selected by the lecturers to present their homework during the meetings as this course will be based on ongoing collaboration and continuous assessment exercises and quizzes. When students miss to achieve an attendance rate of 90%, fail to contribute to the exercises or receive a negative grade for the exercises there will be one possibility for a colloquium for each student during the lecture times. In this colloquium the student will have the opportunity to present a missed exercise and can compensate for absences or negative grades In general a reasonable cause for missed attendance lower than 90% has to be provided and this reason has to be communicated to the lecturers. Unexcused missed lectures after already having missed 10% will not be eligible for a colloquium.

Teaching/learning method(s)
Interactive teaching with case studies and presentations


  • In-class Assignments: 35%
  • Case presentation: 20% (group work done by 3-4 students)
  • Final exam: 45%
  • 60% of the maximum of the total number of points and 50% of the maximum points achievable for the final exam have to be reached in order to pass. (one A4 Cheat sheet allowed, hand-written)


1 Author: Fitzsimmons, James, Fitzsimmons, Mona and Bordoloi, Sanjeev

Service Management: Operations, Strategy, Information Technology

Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Edition: 8
Year: 2014
2 Author: Link für Cases und Simulation

Availability of lecturer(s)


According to §3, paragraph 9 of WU's "Examination Guideline" the following rule applies:

If a student does not attend the first session of this course (illfounded and without written notice of his/her absence), he/she will be signed off from this course. The next attending student on the waiting list receives the now available place. 

It is not possible to increase the number of participating students over the maximum capacity.  

Last edited: 2022-10-03
