
1410 Project Course "Strategy & Organization"
Dieter Gutschi, M.Sc., Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Kff.Dr. Patricia Klarner
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/15/22 to 09/18/22
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Monday 10/10/22 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM D5.1.004
Tuesday 10/11/22 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM LC.0.100 Festsaal 1
Monday 11/07/22 12:30 PM - 02:30 PM D5.1.001
Wednesday 01/18/23 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM D5.0.002

Students work in teams of five on project questions in the area of strategy and organization. Industry partners such as multinational corporations or hidden champions as well as research institutions provide the project questions.The industry partners are often in the process of currently working on the topic they suggest. Hence, they are interested in the students’ research results and potential solutions. They provide relevant information regarding the project and give feedback on the students´ work. 

The project starts with a kick-off day. Our industry partners present their question and their company. Based on the available information the students plan their approach and create a project plan. Every team has to work empirically. Typical methods are:

  • Interviews with employees or experts
  • Survey based on a questionnaire
  • Secondary data analysis
  • Benchmark analysis
  • Structured literature review

First results are presented during the interim presentation. The industry partners’ feedback allows the student teams to further improve or adapt their approach. The end-results are presented during the final presentation. The direct contact to industry partners allows for deep insights into the applied work field of strategy and organization as well as to build a network for future job opportunities.

Learning outcomes

The course has a pronounced focus on applied knowledge. The students have to build on the theories and concepts provided by the first four courses of the SBWL “Strategy and Organization” and apply them to the specific questions and problems of their industry “clients”.

After completing this course students will have the ability to: 

  • Plan, execute, and present projects on strategic or organizational topics to industry partners
  • Apply different research methods to gather information
  • Analyze collected data and develop solutions to practical questions
  • Manage their time, responsibility and manpower in a team of five students

Apart from that, completing this course will contribute to students' ability to:

  • Efficiently work and communicate in a team
  • Translate their knowledge to practical problems
  • Structure and work collaboratively on a longer project
  • Improve their oral and written communication and presentation skills
Attendance requirements

Attendance at the Kick-Off, interim and final presentation are mandatory. A minimum requirement of 70% has to be attended to pass the course.(also applies to all online sessions)

The course is planned as a mixture of offline an online sessions according to the expectations of our project partners.

If you are affected by quarantine or show symptoms of COVID-19 please contact your lecturer and do not participate in in-person lectures. Adjustments concerning the situation with COVID-19 will be announced in class / via email.

Teaching/learning method(s)
  • Working on real project questions provided by industry partners
  • Workshops and coaching by the IOD team
  • Peer-feedback
  • Feedback by the industry partners during interim and final presentation

The focus of the evaluation is the value added for the students’ industry partner.

  • 5% meeting with the project partners at the Kick-Off event and signing the non-disclosure agreement (NDA)
  • 15% project plan (presentation slides)
  • 40% interim presentation
  • 40% final presentation
Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

Students that wish to take the course have to have passed courses 1-3 of the SBWL “Strategy and Organization”.


All students have to participate in the Kick-Off event on Oktober 10, 2022.

The exact dates for the Kick-Off with the project partners, interim and final presentation will vary for each team. The IOD will coordinate with the industry partners and inform students (via e-mail and the updated syllabus) as soon as possible.

The project partner Kick-Off events will take place mid/end of Oktober.
Interim presentations are most likely to be held mid December.
The final presentations will be held in the mid/end January.

Last edited: 2022-09-20
