
1784 Taxation of Corporate Income
Assoz.Prof PD Harald Amberger, Ph.D.
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/15/22 to 09/18/22
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Subject(s) Bachelor Programs
Day Date Time Room
Tuesday 10/04/22 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM TC.3.10
Tuesday 10/11/22 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM D2.0.030
Tuesday 10/18/22 08:30 AM - 10:30 AM TC.3.10
Tuesday 10/25/22 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM D2.0.030
Friday 11/04/22 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM D5.1.001
Tuesday 11/08/22 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM D2.0.030
Tuesday 11/15/22 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM D5.1.001
Tuesday 11/29/22 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM D5.1.001
Tuesday 12/13/22 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM D5.1.001
Friday 12/16/22 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM D5.0.002

This course is the first course of the specialization in “Accounting and Taxation” in the Bachelor program “Business and Economics”. The course covers the following aspects:

  • Different types of taxes and their relevance for countries’ tax revenue.
  • Key concepts of (business) taxation such as statutory, effective, average, and marginal tax rates, questions of tax incidence, etc.
  • Key principles of business taxation, including neutral tax systems, the taxation of different legal forms (e.g., sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations), the relevance of financial accounting for the determination of the tax base, the tax treatment of losses, and the taxation of corporate dividends.
  • The impact of taxes on business decisions.  

The instructor will present these topics in class and discuss them together with the students.

Learning outcomes

After attending this course, students will be able to:

  • describe different types of taxes and reflect on their relevance for countries’ tax revenues
  • define and differentiate between statutory, effective, average, and marginal tax rates
  • outline the concept of tax incidence and understand the economic impact of taxes on the different stakeholders of a firm
  • understand differences in the taxation of legal forms and the associated implications for tax planning
  • show the link between financial accounting and the determination of the tax base
  • understand the implications of tax losses
  • explain different approaches to tax a corporation and dividend distributions to shareholders
  • identify and understand the impact of taxes on a firm’s investment and financing decisions
  • explain to effect of taxes on the relative advantageousness of an investment project and on equity and debt as a source of financing
  • explain the idea behind neutral tax systems and the implications for a firm’s investment and financing decisions
  • understand the relevance of academic tax research for business practice and tax policy
  • develop and present an advanced topic together with colleagues 
Attendance requirements

Students are required to attend at least 7 out of 9 sessions in order to pass the course. No reason for absence is necessary. If a student is absent in more than two sessions, a positive completion of the course is no longer possible.

Teaching/learning method(s)

The class comprises nine content sessions with 2 hours each. During these sessions, the instructor discusses the relevant topics together with the students. The instructor presents the topics and outlines core concepts using practical examples and case studies. Moreover, the instructor outlines key findings in academic research and the connection to the topics covered in class. Students are expected to participate actively in the classroom discussion. Active student involvement will be essential for a successful completion of the course. Slides and relevant additional materials will be available via Learn@WU.


15% Quizzes: After each session, students’ learning progress will be evaluated through online quizzes. These questions will be administered via Learn@WU.

10% Preparation/Participation: Students' preparation and participation will be evaluated both in terms of quality and quantity.

15% Group Project: Students will be asked to research tax information for a particular country (to be chosen by the students). Students should apply this information to evaluate an economic decision provided by the instructor. The group size will depend on the number of students enrolled in the class. The assignment is due on December 20, 2022 and should be handed in via email.

20% Midterm Exam: The midterm exam covers the first part of the course and will take place on November 4, 2022.

40% Final Exam: The final exam covers theory-based questions and problem-centered open questions. The final exam convers the entire content of the class and will take place on December 16, 2022. No retake will be offered.



87.5% or more: 1 (excellent)

75% or more: 2 (good)

62.5% or more: 3 (satisfactory)

50.5% or more: 4 (sufficient)

50% or less: 5 (fail)

Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

Successful completion of the admission procedure.

1 Author: Schanz/Schanz

Business Taxation and Financial Decisions

Publisher: Springer
Edition: 1st Edition
Remarks: Although the text is rather old, the key principles of taxation discussed still apply to real-world tax systems.
Year: 2011
Content relevant for class examination: Yes
Recommendation: Strongly recommended (but no absolute necessity for purchase)
Type: Book
Recommended previous knowledge and skills

Successful completion of the course „Financial Reporting and Analysis”

Availability of lecturer(s)

Office hours, schedule via e-mail!


For more information on the specialization, please see:

Last edited: 2022-04-19
