Grading will be based on a ranking approach. For each and every component, the best student(s) will be awarded full points and the remaining students will be graded in proportion to their performance in comparison to the best student. Grading will be based on the components listed below.
Students are required to turn in assignments following the instructions and on time. Failures to comply with the instructions will automatically result in a 100% penalty. In addition, delays will result in a 10 percentual points penalty for each minute (i.e. 10% if the assignment is delayed for less than a minute, 20% if the assignment is delayed for less than 2 minutes, etc.).
Challenges: 7 x 11%
There will be 7 challenges in total, each worth 11%. For each challenge, you will be graded based on a) how you present your solution (5%) and b) the quality of your solution (6%).
Grading of the other groups' solutions: 7 x 3%
You will be asked to grade the other solutions. You get the points assigned to each task by by submitting your evaluations according to the instructions.
Read the syllabus: 2%
To show that you have read the syllabus prior to the course, send an email to your instructor before the first session stating your favorite animal.