
2374 Data Communication and Computer Networks
Assoz.Prof PD Dr. Sabrina Kirrane
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/01/22 to 09/22/22
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Thursday 10/13/22 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM Online-Einheit
Thursday 10/20/22 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM Online-Einheit
Thursday 10/27/22 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM Online-Einheit
Thursday 11/03/22 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM Online-Einheit
Thursday 11/10/22 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM Online-Einheit
Thursday 11/17/22 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM Online-Einheit
Thursday 12/01/22 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM Online-Einheit

The following fundamentals of data communication and computer networks will be covered over the course of the semester:

  • fundamentals of signal/data transmission, physical properties of transmission media;
  • classification of computer networks, network topologies, ISO/OSI reference model;
  • the Internet Protocol family;
  • communication protocols on the application layer: HTTP, SMTP, DNS, ... ;
  • communication protocols on the transport layer ("transport layer"): TCP, UDP, ... ;
  • communication protocols at the network layer: IP, routing protocols, ... ;
  • communication protocols on the security layer ("data link layer"): Ethernet, ... ;
Learning outcomes

After completing the course, students will be able to:

  • understand principles and basic relationships in computer communication in computer networks;
  • understand and critically analyze basic design principles and technology decisions for computer networks;
  • characterize computer network architectures;
  • classify and evaluate computer networks and their infrastructures according to quality criteria;
  • name similarities and differences in communication protocols at different levels;
  • critically reflect on and assess current technology-political developments on the issue of computer networks (e.g. the transition to IPv6).
Attendance requirements

According to the examination regulation full attendance is intended for a PI. Absence in one unit is tolerated if a proper reason is given.

If a student cannot attend a particular class, the student should send an email to the course instructor before the class starts, providing a legitimate justification for their absence.

Attendance is absolutely mandatory at the first course date (an unexcused absence will result in the loss of a place).

Teaching/learning method(s)

The course is delivered using a combination of the following:

  • presentation of the basics via contact units;
  • working through in-depth compulsory literature via self-study;
  • discussion on mandatory specialist literature in the contact units;
  • demonstration of software tools;
  • practical exercises.

The language of instruction is English. All course material will be provided in English.

This course will be delivered completely online. Participants will be part of a virtual international classroom and will benefit from international learning opportunities with students from different countries.

Please note that 2 SWS = 4 ECTS = 100 hours required workload.

Course Schedule:

Lecture 1:

  1. Introduction to the course
    • Objectives
    • Contents & Delivery
    • Assessment
  2. Topic Introduction: Computer Networks & the Internet

Lecture 2: 

  1. Quiz
    • Based on Lecture 1 material and homework
    • 5% of overall grade
  2. Topic Introduction: The Application Layer

Lecture 3: 

  1. Quiz   
    • Based on Lecture 2 material and homework
    • 5% of overall grade
  2. Topic Introduction: The Transport Layer

Lecture 4: 

  1. Intermediate Exam
    • Based on Lecture material and homework from Lectures 1-3
    • Online exam using Learn@WU
    • Duration 60 minutes
    • 30% of the overall grade
  2. Topic Introduction: The Future Internet

Lecture 5: 

  1. Quiz
    • Based on Lecture 4 material and homework
    • 5% of overall grade
  2. Topic Introduction: The Network Layer

Lecture 6: 

  1. Quiz 
    • Based on Lecture 1 material and homework
    • 5% of overall grade
  2. Topic Introduction: The Link Layer

Lab 1 & 2: 

Wireshark and Mininet Labs

  • Practical exercises under supervision
  • Guided by Data Communication & Computer Networks Tutor
  • Not Graded

Lecture 7: 

  1. Final Exam
    1. Based on lecture material and homework from Lectures 4-6
    2. Online exam using Learn@WU
    3. Duration 60 minutes
    4. 30% of the overall grade
  2. Topic Introduction: The Future Internet

Lab 3: 

Wireshark and Mininet Labs

  • Practical exercise without guidance
  • 20% of Homework Grade

The performance assessment is composed of:

  • Homework: 40% (composed of 20% in class quizzes and 20% practical exercise)
  • Intermediate exam: 30%
  • Final exam: 30%
Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

Registration is possible for:

  • students participating in the ENGAGE, ECOL, SIGMA co-operation networks;
  • incoming ERASMUS students;
  • students of the bachelor's degree in economics and social sciences who are taking the business informatics major.

An excellent command of English is essential.


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Availability of lecturer(s)

During the lecture and based on individual appointments. To request an appointment send an email to the lecturer with the subject “[Networks]”.

Course Instructor: Sabrina Kirrane,  
Course Tutor: Nico Amstätter-Zöchbauer,


Last edited: 2022-10-12
