
5264 Sustainable Economics and Business II: Sustainable City
Sarah Ware, MSc (WU)
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
02/09/23 to 02/26/23
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Monday 03/06/23 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM TC.4.12
Monday 03/13/23 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM TC.4.12
Monday 03/20/23 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM TC.4.12
Monday 03/27/23 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM TC.4.12
Monday 04/17/23 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM TC.4.12
Monday 04/24/23 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM TC.4.12
Monday 05/08/23 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM TC.4.12
Monday 06/05/23 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM TC.4.12

In this course students will deepen their understanding of sustainability through the lens of cities and processes of urban development. We will look at issues spanning from spatial planning, democracy and participation, inequality and exclusion in urban design, to the multi-scalar processes of urbanisation, neoliberalisation and globalisation. The connection of these matters to broader political economy dynamics and social ecological transformation will be central to the course and our discussions.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Explain various concepts of sustainability and their policy implications;
  • Examine concepts of sustainability as they apply to different city models;
  • Relate historical patterns of development to current circumstances;
  • Critically evaluate the effectiveness of democracy and participation in the development of sustainable cities.

After completing a ZuWi II course the students are aware of the social and environmental context of economic activities. They have a holistic perspective, seeing both the economy and society as embedded in biophysical systems. They understand the effects business has on these dimensions - in this particular course: sustainable cities. Throughout the course, students learn to take into account the impact of their later actions on society and the natural environment, their social responsibility and their contribution to a long-term sustainable development. Students develop the ability to consider ethical, social and environmental issues implied in their decisions in both private and professional spheres. They acquire skills such as self-reflection, openness and sensitivity to diversity, and understanding of complexity. They learn to conduct team projects effectively, to listen attentively and to present their ideas in convincing ways. Having completed the course, they are able to process information, to understand ideas and problems, to develop solutions and to communicate them to both expert and non-expert audiences. Extensive feedback from both the course instructors and peers helps students to understand their shortcomings and to improve.

Attendance requirements

Attendance is required for a minimum of 80% of the classes regardless of whether the course takes place in person or online. In case of absence the lecturer is to be informed in advance if possible.

Students may be required to complete additional activities to compensate for absence and this will be determined on a case-by-case basis.


Teaching/learning method(s)

The course will combine various teaching and learning methods, including interactive lectures and open discussion, smaller group discussions, in-class and at-home reflection exercises, readings and own literature research and review, case study analysis, group work and presentations.

Students are expected to attend classes prepared and having read associated reading materials where relevant. All reading materials will be made available to students in due course.


The course assessment will be divided among four (4) tasks:

  1. Reading assignments - 20%
  2. Group presentation and report - 30%
  3. Take-home exam - 40%
  4. Student participation and engagement - 10%

Each assessment item will be discussed in detail in the first session.

The following grading scale applies to the course:

1            89-100  Excellent
2            76-88    Very Good
3            64-75    Good
4            51-63    Pass
5            0-50      Fail

Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

Course enrollment is on the basis of "first-come, first-served” principle. If you have registered but cannot participate in the course, please de-register via LPIS during the registration period so that your course is available to students on the waiting list.

If there is a waiting list for enrollment in the course, students at the waiting list will be notified after the end of the enrollment period, and will be allocated to available places. Students will be ranked by their study progress not by their rank on the waiting list.

This procedure, however, is not to be understood as a place guarantee!


Please log in with your WU account to use all functionalities of read!t. For off-campus access to our licensed electronic resources, remember to activate your VPN connection connection. In case you encounter any technical problems or have questions regarding read!t, please feel free to contact the library at

Availability of lecturer(s)

Appointments can be made by contacting me at the following email address: sarah.ware(at)

Last edited: 2022-11-14
