
5268 Strategies and Management for Central Europe
Ass.Prof. Dr. Arnold Schuh
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
02/06/23 to 02/13/23
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Monday 04/17/23 09:30 AM - 12:00 PM D3.0.233
Monday 04/17/23 01:00 PM - 05:00 PM TC.3.21
Tuesday 04/18/23 02:00 PM - 06:00 PM TC.4.01
Wednesday 04/19/23 01:00 PM - 05:00 PM D5.0.002
Thursday 04/20/23 01:00 PM - 05:00 PM TC.3.01
Friday 04/21/23 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM TC.5.27
Saturday 04/22/23 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM TC.5.27

This course deals with issues companies face today when doing business in the economies of Central Europe. Frameworks and methods will be presented that help managers designing an appropriate market entry and marketing strategy for CE markets. Furthermore, competitive strategies are analyzed from a foreign and local company perspective. Special attention is also paid to the management and organizational structures in CE.

Learning outcomes

Participants of the course shall

  • Develop an understanding of the current issues foreign companies are confronted with when operating in Central European markets;
  • Understand the business environment in CE and why these markets are attractive for investors;
  • Learn what business logic drives foreign companies in CE and how they approach the region and manage their business in CE;
  • Get an overview of typical entry and marketing strategies used in the region today;
  • Understand how local firms position themselves in response to foreign competition;
  • Learn how MNCs manage and organize their operations in CE.
Attendance requirements

This is a block course. Presence is mandatory the whole week - especially for the pre-course reading exam (Monday), the case work/discussion and the presentation of the first draft of the research paper (Saturday), as they are subjects of grading (see the final version of syllabus). To pass the course you are not allowed to miss more than 20% of total class time.

Teaching/learning method(s)

Classes will be interactive. The principle teaching methods used in class meetings will be lectures, group presentations and case discussions.


Criteria for successful completion of the course: pre-course reading exam, active individual in-class participation (case discussions), group project “Strategy of a successful Central European firm”. To pass the course the individual score has to exceed 50% - participation in the pre-course reading exam is mandatory.

The individual course grade will be determined as follows:

20% - Test of pre-course reading

20% - In-class case analyses

50% - Group project

o 15% First draft presentation (on Saturday)

o 35% Final report

10% - Peer rating of group work


Grading scheme: 0-50=5 (fail) / 51-65=4 (sufficient) / 66-75=3 (satisfactory) / 76-85=2 (good) / 86-100=1 (excellent)

Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

Only students admitted to the Central Europe Connect (CEC) track of the SBWL International Business are eligible to take this course. Excellent command of the English language is required.




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Pre-course assignment

There will be a pre-course assignment to prepare the students for the course content and ensure that all of them have the qualifications necessary to start the course at the same level.

  1. Reading the cases
  2. Reading the articles

There will be a mini-test on the course readings at the beginning of the course.



Post-course assignement 


Group project: “Business strategies of successful CE firms”


Each group has to identify a successful local firm from a Central European country and explain the reasons for success. Local firm means that the firm is headquartered in a country in CE and follows a self-determined strategy (no subsidiary of a foreign firm). The firm should also be present with its products/services on foreign markets. Each group’s task is to deliver a story of the success of this firm which explains what they do, how they do it better and/or differently and why they are successful so far. The reader of the report should understand the logic behind the firm’s successful strategic behavior.


The report covers the company profile, strategy dimensions, performance, and a summarized and critical interpretation of the strategy. The report has the form of a “consulter’s presentation” in PowerPoint Format.

Last edited: 2022-11-02
