A single-choice and closed-book exam on the internet for which you will have to register separately during the period of registration in the following way:
a.) BBE students only: please register by sending an e-mail to pruefungsorganisation@wu.ac.at during the period of registration
b.) Any other students: registration can only be effected in LPIS during the period of registration
For exact dates of the period of registration please check out LPIS in time. Three exam dates per semester will be offered.
The exam is subject to 'Online-Aufsicht'.
Duration: 60 minutes
Maximum points achievable: 100 points = 100%
Structure: 40 questions, single choice from among 4 possible answers:
30 short questions of 2 points each --- 60 points in total
10 "scene questions" at 4 points each --- 40 points in total
Less than 60 points: 5
60 and above: 4
70 and above: 3
80 and above: 2
90 and above: 1
Examinable material (Prüfungsstoff): the coursebook (Skriptum)