The course is composed of two parts, a lecture part (5 units) and an interactive part (5 units). The lecture part is organized in one big class for all students of the specialization. The interactive part is organized in small groups (max. 30 students). The five lecture units take place once a week. The five interactive units also take place once a week, but start one week after the first lecture unit.
The teaching approach of the lecture part is the traditional class room teaching. In the interactive part a mix of methods is applied that includes student presentations of numerical examples (“mini-cases”), class discussions, presentations by the lecturer and real-life case studies. There will be a final exam which covers the content of the lecture part, the interactive part, as well as the specified textbook chapters.
Based on the introduction to the underlying concepts in the lecture part, students will have to prepare small numerical problems ("mini-cases") for the interactive part. The concepts of the first lecture unit are applied and deepened in the first interactive unit, and so on. The mini-cases are presented by students and solutions are discussed with the lecturer. In addition, more involved case studies are discussed to provide additional insight into industry applications.
The courses are held on campus. The final exam will take place on campus and will be conducted on Learn. You need to bring your own device and access the online exam environment from the exam room.
Please note the following policy regarding the hybrid mode of this course:
Streaming of the lecture units will only take place if the number of students in the room exceeds the room capacity. Seats in the lecture room are available on a first come - first serve basis. The interactive classes will never be streamed.