
5742 Research in Supply Chain Management
Assoz.Prof PD Dr. Vera Hemmelmayr, Univ.Prof. Tina Wakolbinger, Ph.D.
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
02/21/23 to 02/28/23
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Monday 06/05/23 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM D2.0.038
Tuesday 06/06/23 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM D1.4.088

Current topics in supply chain management

Special focus on sustainable supply chain management and humanitarian logistics

Quantitative and qualitative research methods


Learning outcomes

The seminar aims to keep doctoral students up to date with respect to recent developments in the supply chain and logistics community. It serves as a platform for doctoral students to present and discuss their research work. Students receive feedback with respect to conceptual, theoretical, and methodological issues and acquire new research ideas. 

After visiting this seminar students should have acquired the skills to conduct critical research reviews, to design and carry out methodologically sound research projects, to write papers that can be published in international peer-reviewed journals, and to present at international conferences.

Attendance requirements

This semester, the course will take place in hybrid mode. For you, this means that the lessons are held in the lecture hall and parallel online (via MS Teams or ZOOM). Please note that your attendance at this course must be at least 80%.

The units should preferably be attended in person. Please only participate online in exceptional cases and / or if there are reasons for the current COVID situation.”

Teaching/learning method(s)

Student presentations and discussion

Assigned readings

Written summary of a research method

Guest speaker


Students will be assessed based on the presentation of the status quo of their dissertation (50 %), class contributions (20%), and their summary of a research method (30 %).


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Availability of lecturer(s)
Last edited: 2023-01-04
