Registration via LPIS
The goal of this seminar is to work in small group on climate action strategies. In the first part you will receive some theoretical input on the current multiple crises we are facing (climate, inequality, ...). In a second part you have to form groups, decide upon an area of interest (e.g. mobility, food, whatever ...) and develop a strategy for climate action on your own (this might range from well-elaborated policy proposals and how to implement them to proposal of civil action).
For this you will have multiple weeks. In the end all groups will come together and present the results.
After taking this seminar, the students are able to:
- understand the severity of the multiple crises we face
- will be able to identify hotspots of action
- will be able to develop counter-acting strategies
- Please make sure you arrive on time.
- You may miss one of the six sessions (but as this seminar highly depends on group work - you will have to clarify this with your group mates)
- Inputs by teachers
- Discussions and critical reflection of academic paper, news and magazine articles and media.
- Development of group projects
- Intriguing presentation of group project results
Paper Presentation (10%)
Group Project (50 %)
Project Presentation (30 %)
Group Feedback (10%)
Final grade
Very good > 90%
Good > 80%
Satisfactory > 70%
Sufficient >= 60%
Insufficient < 60%
Course enrollment is on the basis of "first-come, first-served” principle. If you have registered but cannot participate in the course, please de-register via LPIS during the registration period so that your course is available to students on the waiting list. If there is a waiting list for enrollment in the course, students at the waiting list will be notified after the end of the enrollment period, and will be allocated to available places. Students will be ranked by their study progress not by their rank on the waiting list. This procedure, however, is not to be understood as a place guarantee.
Please be aware that in this seminar is centered around the group projects you develop. This means, on the one hand, that you are free to choose an area of interest and that you will be able to arrange your working-time flexible. This on the other hand means, that it will be necessary that you are able to self-manage your work-load and scheduling.
The waiting list is not managed by the lecturers thus please do not contact them concerning registration issues.
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