
6174 Leadership Communication Skills B
Dr. Tobias Glück
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
02/10/23 to 02/12/23
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
This class is only offered in summer semesters.
Subject(s) Master Programs
Day Date Time Room
Thursday 03/09/23 02:00 PM - 08:00 PM D2.0.392
Friday 03/10/23 10:00 AM - 06:30 PM D2.0.392
Saturday 03/11/23 09:30 AM - 05:30 PM D2.0.392
  •        In the first part we will revise/facilitate the basics of communication skills: reflective listening, sides of messages, asking the right questions, affirmations, feedback, summarizing, the importance of non-verbal communication
  •         The importance of non-verbal communication
  •         Giving effective feedback and how to use it as a leadership instrument
  •         Appreciation and compassion as aspects of leadership
  •         Motivating others for change and how to coach employees
Learning outcomes

After completing this course,

  •     Students have understood the difference between listening styles are able to apply active listening and questioning techniques
  •  •   Students will be able to give effective feedback and use it as a tool of leadership and collaboration
  •  •   Students will experience the typical misunderstandings in human communication and know how to avoid them
  •  •   Students will understand the importance of appreciation and compassion for true leadership
  •  •   Students will understand the basics of how to help other facilitate change and know pitfalls of the process
Attendance requirements

80 % attendance is required

Teaching/learning method(s)
  • Short theory inputs by the trainer
  • Exercises to transfer theory into practice
  • Role plays
  • Open class discussions
  • Individual and group feedback
  • Reading: Schulz von Thun, „Let’s talk“ (selected chapters) and literature on feedback
  • Min. 80% attendance in class is required (formal records of attendance will be kept).
  • Active participation in class and in role plays
  • Reflection paper (1-2 pages) on own communication behaviour after the course and reading of literature, and definition of own development areas 
  • Seminar paper on the subjects discussed in the course


Active Participation in Class Tasks and Discussion 40%

ST-Exam 40%

Reflection paper 20%


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Last edited: 2022-11-23
