
0495 Transport and Logistics 2 (TL 2)
Assoz.Prof PD Dr. Vera Hemmelmayr
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
10/31/23 to 11/06/23
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Subject(s) Master Programs
Day Date Time Room
Thursday 11/09/23 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D2.0.030
Thursday 11/16/23 10:30 AM - 01:30 PM Extern
Thursday 11/23/23 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D2.0.030
Thursday 11/30/23 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D2.0.030
Thursday 12/07/23 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM TC.4.01
Thursday 12/07/23 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM D2.0.030
Thursday 12/14/23 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D2.0.030
Thursday 12/14/23 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM D2.-1.019 Workstation-Raum
Thursday 01/11/24 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM TC.5.05

The course deals with optimization topics in transport and logistics. We will first cover some famous basic problems, such as the travelling salesman problem and the vehicle routing problem, and learn about different solution methods. Then we will discuss extensions and applications.

The lecture is structured as follows:

    • Introduction, Basic concepts
    • Problems and solution methods
    • Problem Variants
    • Applications
      Learning outcomes

      After successful completion of the module, students should know how they can apply quantitative tools to improve decision-making in the context of transport and logistics. Practical knowledge concerning the usage of optimization and simulation tools will be acquired.



      Attendance requirements

      Attendance in the first lecture is mandatory for the participation in the course. If an absence cannot be avoided inform the lecturer  before class and provide some form of proof for the absence (e.g. medical confirmation) in the next session. In total, a minimum requirement for attendance of 80% is required to pass the course.

      If the attendance falls below 80% for students receiving partial credit, students are graded with 5 (Nicht genügend). See further:

      Teaching/learning method(s)

      The course is taught using a combination of lectures, class discussions, and homework assignments.



      Your performance will be evaluated on the basis of one exam, one case study and homework assignments. The grading of the course will be as follows:

      • Mini Case: 10 points
      • Case Study: 25 points
      • Quiz: 20 points
      • In-class participation 5 points
      • Final Exam: 40 points

      Grading scale:

      • (1) Excellent: 90% - 100%
      • (2) Good: 80% - <90%
      • (3) Satisfactory: 70% - <80%
      • (4) Sufficient: 60% - <70%
      • (5) Fail: <60%

      Prerequisite for passing the course: minimum performance of 40% in the final examination.

      Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

      Incoming students (exchange programs): min. 5 ECTS credits in logistics management.


      Please log in with your WU account to use all functionalities of read!t. For off-campus access to our licensed electronic resources, remember to activate your VPN connection connection. In case you encounter any technical problems or have questions regarding read!t, please feel free to contact the library at



      The course is based on lectures, cases, and application exercises. You are expected to have completed assignments, read the assigned material, and rework class exercises and demonstrations after each class session. If your expectations for the course are not being met or if you are concerned about your grade or other course related matters, please talk to your instructor as soon as possible during the semester.


      Lecture notes, grades, and other informat ion related to the class will be posted throughout the semester in Learn@WU. Emails will be sent to students’ university email accounts. 

      Additional information on MyLEARN.

      Per email or after class

      Last edited: 2023-07-26
