
0742 Research Project on Information Management and Control
ao.Univ.Prof. Dr.Dr. Roman Brandtweiner, MSc Coaching
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/11/23 to 10/05/23
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Tuesday 10/10/23 11:00 AM - 03:00 PM TC.5.27
Tuesday 01/16/24 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM D2.0.330
The course will cover the following topics:
  • Changing focus topics and research problems in IS Management and Control
  • Criteria for developing research proposals
  • Criteria for conducting research
  • Literature reviews
  • Research methods
  • Epistemological and methodological viewpoints 
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course students should be able to:
  • Understand the general requirements for research projects in IS Management and Control
  • Understand the usual steps and parameters of a literature search and what a good literature review needs to include
  • Conduct a systematic literature search to show the state-of-the art in the context of the given research aim
  • Select and apply the appropriate methodology to a research problem independently
  • Write-up a short seminar paper according to the requirements of academic writing in the field of IS Management and Control
  • Select the most important findings to be professionally presented in a concise manner.
  • Apply a range of transferable skills such as literature search, analytical skills, application of theory to real life situations, teamwork, presentation, motivation and interpersonal skills.
Attendance requirements

Attendance is mandatory (at least 80%)

In the SoSe 2023 the course mainly will be held as an online course. The communications will take place by using tools e.g. MS Teams In addition, individual (online) apointments or phone calls between the lecturer and the students may be part of the course.

All individual communication (e.g. phone calls, individual Skype sessions, etc.) will, be regarded as part of the mandatory attendance.

Teaching/learning method(s)

LANGUAGE: The course will be held PARTLY in GERMAN (English is the main language but some parts will be in German, i.e. you should be able to understand spoken German and read German texts).

Presentations can be held in German or English and seminar papers can be written in German or English.

Grading is not influenced by the choosen language.

The course will be conducted in block mode. A number of individual meetings with the supervisors are a planned component of this course. The whole course is intended to be highly interactive. This course involves private study including guided reading associated with focus topics, independent work, and preparation for and production of a research assignment. 


Formative assessment will take place during each session when students can raise questions, discuss topics and present findings. Formal grading of work and learning outcome will include the quality of the

research proposal (15%),

intermediate report (15%),

final research paper (60%)

interactive participation & presentation (10%).

This reflects the multi-step research assignment with different deliverables graded separately!

Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists
Course V of specialization "SBWL Information Management and Control", sequencing as described at

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Availability of lecturer(s)

Students are welcome to discuss course-related issues during surgery hours or by appointment (email:

Last edited: 2023-04-25
