Incoming students (exchange programs):
min. 5 ECTS credits in Operations Research and/or Management Science (linear programming, basics of probability theory).
The course provides the basics of supply chain riskmanagement with applications to different supply chain management problems. Thetopics to be covered include:
Attendance is required in all sessions. Absence in one session is tolerated if a reasonable excuse is given before the session.
There will be a total of 6 assignments.
Grading scale:
(1) Excellent: 90% - 100%
(2) Good: 80% - <90%
(3) Satisfactory: 70% - <80%
(4) Sufficient: 60% - <70%
(5) Fail: <60%
Incoming students (exchange programs):
min. 5 ECTS credits in Operations Research and/or Management Science (linear programming, basics of probability theory).
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