After validating this course students will be able to identify which SCA problems are better tackled with simulation or with optimization. They will also be able to apply advanced techniques to tackle these problems, and to use advanced software to conduct these tasks.
Registration via LPIS
Day | Date | Time | Room |
Monday | 10/02/23 | 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM | LC.2.064 (P&S) |
Monday | 10/09/23 | 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM | LC.-1.038 (P&S) |
Monday | 10/16/23 | 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM | LC.2.064 (P&S) |
Monday | 10/23/23 | 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM | LC.-1.038 (P&S) |
Monday | 10/30/23 | 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM | LC.-1.038 (P&S) |
Monday | 11/06/23 | 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM | LC.-1.038 (P&S) |
Tuesday | 11/14/23 | 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM | TC.0.01 |
The course provides knowledge and tools of Optimization and Simulation for problems and challenges encountered in Supply Chain Analytics (SCA).
Topics include:
Part I (Optimization):
- Linear programming
- Discrete programming
- Nonlinear programming
- Network optimization
- Software tools for optimization (Optimization in R, various solvers)
Part II (Simulation):
- Data analysis (Sampling, Estimation, Hypothesis testing)
- Discrete event simulation
Attendance requirement is met if a student is present for at least 80% of the lectures.
The course is taught using a combination of lectures, class discussions,homework exercises and in-class assignments.
The grading of this course is based on 3 components, namely, group homework, individual assignements, as well as a final exam.
Details of the assessment:
- Homework exercises, 30 points (group work)
- In-class assignments, 20 points (individual work)
- Final exam, 50 points (individual work)
Grading scale:
Excellent (1): 90% - 100.0%
Good (2): 80% - <90%
Satisfactory (3): 70% - <80%
Sufficient (4): 60.0% - <70%
Fail (5): <60.0%
Prerequisite for passing the course: minimum performance of 40% (20 points) in the final examination.
Remark: Content from bridging course 2148 might be included in the assignments.
Students should be acquainted with the main concepts of optimization, probability and statistics. Students are encouraged to take the bridging course "2418 - Bridging Course in Supply Chain Management: Foundation of Operations Research and Supply Chain Analytics" and review the preparatory material.
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Boualem Rabta: by appointment
Anton Pichler: by appointment
Program's website: