
1742 Excel and Business Intelligence A
Mag. Rainer Baier
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
10/13/23 to 10/17/23
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
This class is only offered in winter semesters.
Subject(s) Master Programs
Day Date Time Room
Monday 12/04/23 08:30 AM - 01:00 PM LC.2.064 PC Raum
Monday 12/11/23 08:30 AM - 01:00 PM LC.2.064 PC Raum
Monday 12/18/23 08:30 AM - 01:00 PM LC.2.064 PC Raum
Monday 01/08/24 08:30 AM - 01:00 PM LC.2.064 PC Raum
Thursday 02/01/24 08:30 AM - 01:00 PM Online-Einheit

It is a fact that Excel is essential for any business professional. Thus, when applied effectively, Excel is a very powerful tool that allows you to process huge amounts of data, automate tasks and present complex information, etc. Therefore, this course is designed to help you learn how to solve business problems with Excel (more) efficiently and promote you to be an advanced user.

Business intelligence programs such as Power BI Desktop help create professional visualtisations and to make data-driven decisions.

In this course you will learn ...

… the basics, in particular how to

  • manage spreadsheets and workbooks in Excel
  • create clean and effective Excel charts and diagrams
  • reference between cells and to other worksheets
  • work with basic functions for calculations in Excel (SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN, IF, SUMIF, AVERAGEIF)
  • change cell formatting based on cell content.

… all about functions and reporting by using

  • IF functions
  • Sort & Filter
  • PivotTables
  • Advanced Charts
  • Advanced Data Analysis with Dashboards (Excel Powerview)
  • Dynamic Data Exchange with external sources (databases, SAP, Powerpoint, internet).

… with practical business examples such as

  • BCG Matrix
  • ABC Analysis
  • Break Even Point
  • Contribution Margin
  • Discounting Payback Method
  • Form Controls (Scroll Bar; Check Box …)
  • Goal Seek
  • Solver.

… the basics about Power BI Desktop the Business Intelligence App from Microsoft

  • Import Data
  • Creating interactive Dashboards and Reports
  • Vizaulisations from the Market Store
  • Modelling of different data sets
  • Adjust Datasets with Power Query Editor
  • Calculation with Measures and DAX Functions
  • Distribute the reports via HTML
  • Using PowerBI with Mobile Devices
  • Power BI Cloud Resources
  • KI in Data Modelling and Vizualisation

… a lot about tips & tricks such as

  • working with shortcuts
  • protecting, validating and hiding information and formulas
  • handling large Databases.
Learning outcomes

After this course you should be able to

  • create and use defined names in a workbook
  • work with logical functions in Excel
  • use a variety of data validation techniques
  • use a range of lookup and reference functions
  • understand and create PivotTables, PowerviewTables and Graphs
  • perform a variety of analytical tasks using Powerview
  • use the Data Consolidation feature to combine data from several workbooks into one
  • use Solver to solve more complex and intricate problems
  • import data into Excel, Power BI and export data from Excel
  • create and use a range of controls in a worksheet
  • create recorded macros in Excel
  • create and use a range of Excel Business Tools
  • solve business tasks by using Excel more efficiently.
  • create interactive Reports and Dashboards with Power BI Desktop
  • use Vizaulisations from the Market Store
  • create data models of different data sets
  • adjust Datasets with Power Query Editor
  • calculate with Measures and DAX Functions
  • distribute the reports via HTML, Powerpoint...
  • Using PowerBI with Mobile Devices
  • Power BI Cloud Resources
  • KI in Data Modelling and Vizualisation
Attendance requirements

100 % is required

Teaching/learning method(s)
  • Theoretical input by the trainer
  • Excel workshop with a strong emphasis on student participation
  • Learning in peer groups
  • Self-directed learning with the e-learning platform
  • Student presentations
  • 40 % Class Participation and Peer Group Learning Participation
  • 30 % Group Presentation (Distance Learning Upload your Presentation)
  • 30 % Power BI Screencast

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Availability of lecturer(s)

Last edited: 2023-12-21
