
2099 Intercultural Business Communication
Ass.Prof. M.A.Dr. Regina Göke, Univ.Prof. Dr. Nadine Thielemann, M.A.
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/04/23 to 10/06/23
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Subject(s) Master Programs
Day Date Time Room
Wednesday 10/11/23 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM TC.4.04
Wednesday 10/18/23 08:00 AM - 10:30 AM TC.4.04
Wednesday 10/25/23 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM TC.4.04
Wednesday 11/08/23 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM TC.4.04
Wednesday 11/15/23 08:00 AM - 09:30 AM TC.4.04
Wednesday 11/22/23 08:00 AM - 10:30 AM TC.4.04
Wednesday 11/29/23 08:00 AM - 10:30 AM TC.4.04
Wednesday 12/06/23 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM TC.4.04
Wednesday 12/13/23 08:00 AM - 09:30 AM TC.4.04
Wednesday 01/17/24 08:00 AM - 12:00 PM TC.4.04

In the age of globalization, the success of organizations depends on their capacity to navigate a culturally diverse world. The course provides students with theoretical concepts of culture, with models of intercultural communication and accounts of cultural diversity within business settings. Case studies are used to show what characterizes intercultural business communication at the interpersonal, organizational and societal levels. In doing so, the course addresses the challenges and opportunities arising from these intercultural business environments and familiarizes students with different tools/instruments to manage them in practice.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will:

1) be able to explain why culture is a multi-layered and dynamic concept

2) be able to identify the complex processes underlying intercultural communication

3) be aware of the opportunities and challenges of intercultural communication in organizational contexts

4) be able to make culturally sensitive decisions in organizational communication.

Attendance requirements

at least 70% attendance, i.e. 7 sessions

Teaching/learning method(s)
  • lecture style input (theoretical concepts)
  • problem-based learning
  • group work
  • simulations and games
  • group discussions
  • case studies

1) Individual assignment ( 70 %): electronic-portfolio

  • An e-portfolio is a collection of student work that showcase student's learning progression and achievement. The collection includes various reading assignments.

2) Group assignment (30 %): group project

  • Students work in groups on their own project, which will be presented during a student conference.

Grades will be based on the final score, as follows: 100-90%: excellent (1); 89-80 %: good (2);  79-70%: satisfactory (3); 69-60%: sufficient (4); <59% fail (5)


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Unit details
Unit Date Contents


Why intercultural business communication matters in the age of globalisation, digitalisation, and migration & what will this course be about?

Tree of Life - learning about each other / team building activity

practical information

  • course design & methods
  • teaching materials & readings
  • assignments & attendance

What is intercultural communication? - Navigating the VUCA-world

CultuRallye - intercultural simulation

Experiencing intercultural situations

  • adaptation / acculturation strategies
  • intercultural competence

Conceptualizing Culture (1)

What is culture?

  • Key characteristics
  • Concepts

Comparing and describing cultures

  • Cultural dimensions
  • Discussion of critical incidents
  • Risks and benefits of comparative approaches

Conceptualizing Culture (2)

Zooming in on culture

  • Culture as an open system
  • Poly-collectivity and multi-collectivity


  • Cultural Identity
  • Multiple identities and intercultural individuals
  • Interculturality - multiculturality - transculturality

Identity and Society

  • Intersectionality
  • Diversity & Inclusion

case study / group project

Recapitulation of concepts & models of intercultural communication (classroom & readings)

Case study exercise

group assignment for group project


Organisational culture (1)

What is organisational culture?

Dealing with interculturality in organizations

  • Dilemma Theory

Case study - group work


Organisational culture (2)

Intercultural teams

  • The impact of cultural diversity on teams
  • Managing culturally diverse teams
  • The MBI-Model - A cross-cultural interaction tool

Case study - group work


Consulting & Feedback - groups work towards their case studies (I)


Consulting & Feedback - groups work towards their case studies (II)


Students' conference - presentation & discussion of group projects

feedback session

Last edited: 2023-09-18
