This course consists of three parts - two Lectureparts (International Trade and Economic Development and Exchange rates) and a presentation part:
- "International Trade" will be taught by B. Meyer (on Tuesdays, Exam: 19.12.2023). This part covers the role of international trade. Crucial reasons for trade relations between countries and their implications will be studied with the help of different models (eg. Ricardo Model, Heckscher-Ohlin Model). Furthermore, different trade policies such as tariffs, quotas and trade agreements will be analyzed based on trade theory and applied cases.
- "Economic Development and Exchange rates" will be taught by G. Tondl (on Mondays, Exam: 08.01.2024). This part will cover problems which developing countries face in an international context. Furthermore, the role of exchange rates, open goods and financial markets, as well as causes and effects of financial globalization will be studied based on theoretical considerations and empirical evidence.
- Presentation Part. (Presentations: 22.01.2024 & 23.01.2024) After the first parts, selected topics will be presented and discussed by students. This part is held by both, B. Meyer and G. Tondl.