
4459 E&I Core Lecture I
Univ.Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
02/08/24 to 02/12/24
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Monday 03/04/24 04:00 PM - 06:00 PM Ort nach Ankündigung
Monday 03/11/24 01:00 PM - 02:45 PM D5.4.033
Monday 03/18/24 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM D5.4.019
Monday 04/08/24 01:00 PM - 02:45 PM D5.4.033
Monday 04/22/24 01:00 PM - 02:45 PM D5.4.033
Monday 05/06/24 01:00 PM - 02:45 PM D5.4.033
Monday 05/13/24 01:00 PM - 02:45 PM D5.4.033
Thursday 05/23/24 01:00 PM - 02:45 PM D5.4.033
Monday 05/27/24 01:00 PM - 02:45 PM D5.4.033
Monday 06/03/24 01:00 PM - 02:45 PM D5.4.033
Monday 06/10/24 09:30 AM - 11:15 AM D5.0.001
Monday 07/08/24 09:30 AM - 11:15 AM TC.1.01 OeNB

Please register for either course 4094 or 4459 on LPIS. Registration for either of the two courses on LPIS is sufficient. You do not need to sign up for both courses.

Irrespective of which course you have signed up, the schedule of the CL1 is as follows:

Every week: Mondays, 09:30 am – 11:15 am.
Once per semester per team: Monday, 01:00 pm – 02:45 pm.

In this course, core theories and methods of entrepreneurship and innovation will be introduced and discussed. Together with Core Lecture 2, this course provides the theoretical basis for the Specialization Entrepreneurship and Innovation.  

In particular, we will cover the following eleven modules:

·     Module 1: Introduction

·     Module 2: A dynamic economy

·    Module 3: Individual and innovation

·    Module 4: Entrepreneurial opportunities and sources of innovation

·    Module 5: Sources of innovation: Application and implementation

·    Module 6: Strategy for innovation: Overview and technology analysis

      Module 7: Strategy for innovation: Customer analysis

·    Module 8: Strategy for innovation: Market & competitive analysis

·    Module 9: Strategy for innovation: Partners and cooperation

·    Module 10: Strategy integration

·    Module 11: Empirical research

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, students will be able to understand basic issues in the following areas, and apply them to real- life, current examples:

- general entrepreneurship and innovation

- the origins and discovery of innovation/opportunities

- the strategic implementation of innovation.

Students will know and understand important approaches, i.e. theories, methods and empirical findings in the areas general entrepreneurship and innovation, the origins and discovery of innovation/opportunities, and the strategic implementation of innovation. Students will be able to structure and solve complex problems in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation using existing theories, methods and empirical findings, as well as to reasonably evaluate existing solutions.

Students will also learn the following skills:

Social skills:

- Participating in different team work settings in order to solve problems/complete tasks Personal skills:

- Analyzing various perspectives of a given situation, for instance a practical innovation challenge, and developing suitable solution strategies

- Independently organizing their time and preparing for class each week Communication skills:

- Presenting and defending findings/solutions/ideas in a factual, logical and structured way

- Demonstrating argumentation skills (both verbally and in writing) Analytical and problem-solving skills:

- Analyzing real, multidimensional issues and developing solutions

- Identifying strengths, weaknesses, potentials, and risks

- Developing solutions and promoting innovation in organizations

By successfully completing the Core Lecture, students will be well prepared for the challenges of the upcoming practical and application- oriented projects in the Specialization’s application-oriented courses.

Attendance requirements

It is strongly recommended to attend all of the scheduled sessions. While entrepreneurial students are expected to make an independent and responsible decision, experience has shown that active participation is a crucial success factor. 

If you are not able to attend one class (or more classes) of the Implementation Sessions, you do not need to notify us of your absence. However please note that there is no additional compensation opportunity for the missed appointment. If you miss an Implementation Session you cannot collect the respective bonus points for Module Checks or Short Module Quizzes. The same regulation applies for the Group Seminar Sessions or the Entrepreneurship Talks.

To take part in any in-class assignments (e.g., Short Module Quiz or Module Check), you need to be present for the entire duration of the Implementation Session. Failure to do so will be considered (attempted) cheating and penalized.

For more information please read below the "teaching/learning methods" and "assessment" area.

Teaching/learning method(s)

I. Module Introduction Session: A theory-focused lecture (on-demand video on CANVAS)

  • You are invited to watch the videos of the Module Introduction Sessions  at a time of your choosing. These instill an understanding of the theories, models, and concepts upon which the CL1 is based. Based on past experiences, you are strongly advised to watch these sessions before the respective Exercise Session / Group Seminar Session. 

II. Implementation Session: An interactive session focused on training exam-relevant analytical and problem-solving skills (on campus)

  • The Implementation Session will be held live from 09:30 am – 11:15 am.
  • To qualify for participation in the Implementation Session, you will need to take a Short Module Quiz on the respective module (the only multiple-choice tests in the SBWL – promised!) at 09:30 am, i.e., immediately at the commencement of each session. The idea is to provide an incentive for continuous learning during the semester. The lecture slides and Module Theory Session will help you to prepare for this . You will receive 1 point for each quiz that you pass successfully (i.e., a maximum of 10 points throughout the semester). The second benefit is that those students get the right to submit Module Checks to the respective module and get points (see below).
  • Structure of the Implementation Session:
    • Professor Franke will explain an exemplary Module Check and a good answer. This will provide you with guidance on how to read, comprehend, and solve a Module Check.
    • You will then be provided with a Module Check question that allows you to earn further points.
      • You will have 5 minutes to discuss the Module Check question with your peers in the classroom.
      • Then you will have 10 minutes to write an individual answer to the Module Check question.
      • After ten minutes, you have the opportunity to submit your individual answer (given you passed the Short Module Quiz successfully) for this session. For obvious reasons, the time to submit will be limited.
      • Each student may submit up to three solutions during the semester, one in each third. Thus, there is a maximum of one submission for Modules 1 – 4, for Modules 5 – 8, and for Modules 9 – 11.  Please note that you are not allowed to submit a Module Check solution in the week of your Group Seminar Session. 
      • The submissions will be graded with a maximum of 3 bonus points (i.e., a maximum of 9 points throughout the semester). Please adhere to fairness and integrity, as all submissions will be automatically checked by a plagiarism analysis software. You will get the grading and a feedback in the week after the submission. 
    • Professor Franke will provide you with insights on the question and meaningful ways of answering. The session will be interactive, and you are warmly invited to provide alternative answers and ask questions. In previous semesters, active and engaged students were successful in the Final Exam, whereas students who did not actively make use of this opportunity often failed the Final Exam.

III. Group Seminar Session: An interactive session held in small groups (on campus)

  • Held live from 01:00 pm – 02:45 pm.
  • You will be assigned to a group of 8-11 students; each group will attend one Group Seminar Session during the semester.
  • Assignment of groups and Group Seminar Session slots will be random.
  • You can receive up to 10 points depending on your performance.
  • Please note that you are not allowed to submit a Module Check in the week of your Group Seminar Session.

Total attainable points: 143 (but we will use a grading scale of 0 to 100)

  • In sum a maximum of 43 points attainable outside of the exam:
    • Short Module Quizzes to qualify for Implementation Sessions (up to 1 point each = up to 10 points in total)
    • Module Checks during Implementation Sessions (up to 3 points each = up to 9 points in total)
    • Performance in Group Seminar Session (up to 10 points)
    • Attendance of and active participation “Entrepreneurs Talk” event series (3 points for each event = up to 9 points in total)
    • WU Startup Stories (up to 5 points)
  • Final exam (online; up to 100 points):
    • Transfer questions based on the theories, concepts, and models introduced in the CL1
    • Final Exam grading:
      • 100 points in total,
      • 50 points passing grade.

Please note: you need to have attained at least a passing grade in the Final Exam (i.e. 50 points) to pass the CL1.

Grading scale:

90 - 100 points > excellent (1)

77 – 89 points  > good (2)

64 – 76 points  > satisfactory (3)

50 – 63 points  > sufficient (4)

0   - 49 points   > fail (5)

Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

Admission to the specialization "Entrepreneurship and Innovation".


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Availability of lecturer(s)

Please send a mail to

Last edited: 2023-11-27
