
5769 Personal Resilience and Empowerment in the Climate Crisis
Julia Litofcenko, Ph.D., PD Dr. Florentine Maier
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
02/02/24 to 03/04/24
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Monday 03/11/24 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM TC.4.15
Monday 03/18/24 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM TC.4.15
Monday 04/15/24 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM TC.4.15
Monday 04/22/24 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM TC.4.15
Monday 04/29/24 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM TC.4.15
Monday 05/27/24 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM TC.4.15
Monday 06/03/24 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM TC.4.15
Monday 06/10/24 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM TC.4.15
Monday 06/17/24 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM TC.4.15
Monday 06/24/24 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM TC.4.15

10 steps towards personal resilience and empowerment in a chaotic climate

Are you experiencing difficult climate emotions?
Are you looking to build your emotional intelligence and personal resilience?
Would you benefit from a supportive community?
Do you feel the loss of old certainties and are looking for ways to endure?
Do you want to co-vision new ways to reinvest your time and energy into meaningful efforts?

This group is for you.


Learning outcomes

This course aims to provide social and emotional support to people who feel distressed by the state of the world.

It helps people process their difficult emotions, deconstruct old cultural narratives and construct new ones, build community, and reinvest their energies into meaningful efforts.

It creates a space where people can practice new ways of relating to themselves and others in chaotic times.

It provides fertile ground for emergent and innovative visions.

As we connect with each other, share vulnerability, and process our heavy emotions, we are able to envision new ideas, access our unique gifts, and reorient our lives toward action at a time when action is essential.

Attendance requirements

This is a 10-step program that takes place over 10 class sessions. The workload outside of class is light, but attendance is essential.

These are the attendence regulations:

  • Being late or not showing up is disruptive for the rest of the class, so please avoid overlaps with other classes or work schedules.
  • If you miss a class, you must catch up on the missed content by writing a reflection paper (approx. 500 words). Please email this assignment to before the next lesson.
  • If you miss more than two sessions, you cannot receive a passing grade for the course.
Teaching/learning method(s)

This group is inspired by the 10-step method developed by the Good Grief Network.
You can find much information about this method at

The following tools will be used:

  • Checking in: Each session begins with each participant, including the facilitators, briefly introducing themselves and letting the others know how they are doing at the moment.
  • Embodiment exercises (e.g. breathing, mindfulness): These will be short, simple, suitable for use in business settings, and optional.
  • Journalling: You will recive writing prompts, and will be asked to engage in some short writing exercises during the session.
  • Group sharing: There will be time for participants to share their thoughts with others, and to deeply listen to others as they are sharing. Sharing is optional.
  • Checking out: Each group will close with everybody briefly letting the others know what they are taking away from the session.



Active participation in check-ins and check-outs (33%; must not miss more than two sessions)

Co-creating one session (by co-facilitating, or by participating in the selection and presentation of input materials, 33%)

Written assignment (800-1200 words, 33%)


Grading scheme:
1 --> 87-100

2 --> 75-86

3 --> 63-74

4 --> 52-62

5 --> 0-51

Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

Please write to if you want to be put on the waiting list. You can come to the first session; if places become available due to no-shows, you can join in.

We expect you to adhere to the following norms:

(o) Understand that this is a class for support and personal development, not a therapy group. Emotional authenticity is appropriate, but using group time for lengthy processing of intense emotional states is not. If you are confused about the difference, please ask the facilitators for clarification.

(o) Be mentally present and minimize distractions (e.g., cell phones, chatting).

(o) Protect the anonymity of each participant. Protect the vulnerable shares of each person, including the facilitators. Do not disclose names or identifying characteristics of participants to people outside of the course.

(o) You are welcome to talk to others about any ideas or interesting questions that you take away from this course.

(o) Understand that our current crises are complex, and there are many different and valid ways of reacting to them. 

(o) Understand that retreating into false optimism or resigned nihilism are ways of avoiding the emotional work necessary to confront our crises and build personal resilience.

(o) To attend this course, you must be of sound mental health. You must not feel suicidal, and you must be able to regulate your emotions. This group is for personal development, which may bring up some difficult emotions. If your feelings are too difficult to deal with, it is your responsibility to find professional help.

You can get professional help here:

If you are in an acute crisis situation, you can get help here:

If you need somebody to talk to, you can always call this hotline:

(o) Participation in the group requires that you create space for each member. This is not a space for ranting, convincing others of your beliefs, or providing advice. Listen attentively when someone else speaks.

Do not interrupt.

The 10-Step Method is based on avoiding "cross-talk": This means that we do not comment on what other participants have said. We express our views in their own right, not as reactions to what others have said. Everything that is said is allowed to stand without comment. This enables a special kind of openness with each other. The facilitators will help you avoid cross-talk.

(o) Help to cultivate support. Listen with compassion and curiosity, without judgment.

(o) When sharing, speak honestly. Express what you understand to be true to the best of your understanding. Accept that others may have other understandings.

(o) All embodiment exercises are suggestions. You are free to participate as you see fit and are able.

(o) We aim to understand the roots of systemic problems and will not scapegoat a portion of the human population.

(o) In the first unit, we will clarify whether we address each other as facilitators and students by first name or surname, or in German 'Sie' or 'Du'.

(o) Please take breaks to step out as needed. There will be no collective break during the two-hour session.

(o) If you fail to uphold group norms, the facilitators will hold you accountable. You may be asked to leave if you continually fail to uphold these meeting norms.

(o) Please also act in the spirit of these norms if you meet participants after class.


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Availability of lecturer(s)
Unit details
Unit Date Contents

Accept the severity of the predicament.


Be with uncertainty.


Honour your mortality and the mortality of all.


Do inner work.


Develop awareness of biases and perceptions.


Practice gratitude, witness beauty, and create connections.


Take breaks and rest.


Work through climate guilt past and present.


Be there for yourself and others.


Reinvest in meaningful efforts.

Last edited: 2024-02-10
