
6319 Fremdsprachliche Wirtschaftskommunikation III - Englisch
Anthony Copnall, M.A.,P.G.C.E.
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
08/21/24 to 08/29/24
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Monday 09/09/24 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM D2.0.382
Tuesday 09/10/24 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM D2.0.382
Wednesday 09/11/24 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM D2.0.382
Thursday 09/12/24 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM D2.0.038
Monday 09/16/24 10:00 AM - 01:30 PM D2.0.038
Tuesday 09/17/24 10:00 AM - 01:30 PM D1.1.074
Thursday 09/19/24 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Online-Prüfung
Friday 09/20/24 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Online-Prüfung



Specific registration procedures for this 'SOMMERUNI 2024' course:

You will first register for the waiting list for this specific EBC3 class via the LPIS system. In a first step, students who were already on a waiting list for an EBC3 class in SS24 will be admitted, and all other places will then be filled in accordance with study progress and in cooperation with the Vizerektorat für Lehre und Studierende.


Inhalte der LV

Undergraduate (ie “Bachelor”) students are required to have passed EBC2 prior to attending EBC3.

The curriculum of this class is comprised of general language skills, core business content (i.e. the understanding and communication in English of selected business principles and activities, technical terminology and registers relative to the communicative context of the course) and communicative competence (both spoken and written).

The general content theme of this EBC3 course is language for international business, for which the main content-based language topics will be trade policy, factors affecting (foreign) market entry methods and legal issues, with a strong focus on covering current topical issues, relevant to all businesses operating in an international context.

The language and terminology covered in these topics will be applied in a variety of communicative settings including:

- learning to engage with a variety of written texts and draw inferences on the language, content and messages conveyed in them (text comprehension)
- reflecting on and discussing current topical issues and their impact on countries' economies, industries and businesses
- giving a short presentation relating to business activities abroad or the countries in which they operate
- provide written advice in the form of structured analysis and a recommendation relating to a company's move into a new foreign market (report-writing task)

Learning outcomes

After successfully completing this course, students will be able:

  • LO1: to demonstrate a level of general English competence equivalent to at least C1 on the Common European Framework;
  • LO2: to understand and apply concepts from certain business and economic fields (trade policy, international trade, legal matters) and to recall as required the essential terminology associated with them for use in appropriate communicative contexts;
  • LO3: to recall at will, and use, other typical features (structures, collocations, prepositional usage, etc) of the associated language related to these fields, in order to engage in discussions and other communicative tasks related topics in an appropriate manner, to understand the principles of report writing, and to apply these in practice;
  • LO4: to combine the various abilities mentioned above in order to understand upper-level written texts about the above business and economic fields, and to write communicatively effective texts, both descriptive and analytical (specifically reports), relating to them, including applying appropriate rhetorical skills

In addition, this course fosters the following soft skills:

  • Improved aural/oral skills
  • Improved ability to analyse and understand texts in general
  • Critical thinking
  • Improved ability to engage in discussions on topical business issues through raised awareness of them (and the relevant language)
  • Effective university-level study
Attendance requirements

As with all PI courses, attendance is a requirement to pass EBC3. As this is a blocked course, you may only miss one (1) in-class course session. If you miss a further session, you will no longer be able to pass the course. This condition applies whatever the reasons for your absence may have been.

Teaching/learning method(s)

This EBC3 course consists of a mix of self-study, online activities (LEARN), and weekly, attended classes relating to different aspects of the course.

The EBC3 classes are of an interactive nature and involve a wide range of activities based on the course materials, many of which will take the form of pair or small-group work. The sessions will comprise a mix of teacher-led input, talks and discussions, and preparation for the assessment elements, as well as the assesment activities themselves (on specified dates - for details see below). 

The on-campus sessions will be held during the scheduled class times and will have a content and/or skills focus, depending on the relevant unit.

The syllabus materials will be supplied directly by the course instructor via LEARN. These comprise language, comprehension and content exercises and are intended for use both as self-study and in-class activities. There is no requirement to purchase any course literature. 


In order to pass the EBC3 course, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  • score at least 60% of the overall points total achievable (see below)
  • not miss more than1 session.

1 - Oral performance (20% of total grade): Your oral communication skills will be trained and then assessed through structured task assignments. These will take the form of an oral assessment of a discussion task (based on current topical business issues as presented in newspapers / current affairs journals) and a short class talk on a content-based topic relating to international business. Both tasks will require you to use and demonstrate analytical skills and critical thinking. This way you should be able to achieve proficiency in spoken English at the level of (or very close to) C1 under the European Framework of Reference, which is defined in full as follows:

  • Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning.
  • Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.
  • Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.

The oral assessment tasks will be held during sessions 3-6. The session days/times will be decided in the introduction session.

2 –Participation / Practice  (15% of total grade): You will receive 15 points, or 15% of the total grade, for completing various in-class and at-home assignments. These will include:

  • active participation in class, including full engagement in activities and providing feedback
  • completing a writing practice assignment which acts as a preparation for the report-writing test, and for which you will receive feedback from your instructor
  • reading/language practice tasks.

An exact breakdown of the assignments and deadline schedules will be presented in the introduction session.

3 - Test: Business English Language / Content  (30% of total grade): This assessment element will combine the content and language knowledge covered in the course with reading comprehension and text-based tasks. This will take place online in session 7.

4 - Test: Final Report (35% of total grade): In this assessment element you will write a new report on a market entry topic and related issues. This will take place online in session 8.

The grade boundaries for EBC3 are as follows:

Grade 1: 90-100%
Grade 2: 80-89%
Grade 3: 70-79%
Grade 4: 60-69%
Grade 5: 0-59%

Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

Bachelor’s degree students must have passed EBC2 prior to attending EBC3.

You will first register for the waiting list for this specific EBC3 class via the LPIS system. In a first step, students who were already on a waiting list for an EBC3 class in SS24 will be admitted, and all other places will then be filled in accordance with study progress and in cooperation with the Vizerektorat für Lehre und Studierende.

As EBC3 is a PI course, there is no need to register separately for any of the tests (see above).



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Recommended previous knowledge and skills

In order to take this course you must have passed

  • the course EBC1
  • the course EBC2 (at the latest, at the Exceptional Test before the start of the semester in which you wish to take EBC3)
Availability of lecturer(s)

You can contact your instructor during ofice hours, immediately before or after class, or by mail / Teams.

Unit details
Unit Date Contents

Introduction / Communication skills


International Trade Policy


Market entry strategies 1


Legal issues


Case Studies/Report-writing


Oral Discussions


Reading/Language Test (online)


Report-writing Test (online)

Last edited: 2024-08-06
