
0368 Corporate IT II - Digital Transformation
Soheil Human, M.Sc.Ph.D.
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/25/24 to 11/29/24
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Tuesday 12/03/24 05:30 PM - 09:30 PM TC.5.05
Tuesday 12/10/24 12:30 PM - 04:30 PM D5.1.001
Tuesday 12/17/24 05:30 PM - 09:30 PM D5.0.002
Tuesday 01/14/25 04:30 PM - 08:30 PM TC.5.15
Tuesday 01/21/25 04:30 PM - 08:30 PM TC.5.15
Tuesday 01/28/25 02:00 PM - 06:00 PM D3.0.225

Important notes:

  • This course is offered as a "block-course" (five afternoon blocks, each two sessions).
    • By choosing this course, you express your commitment to actively participate in all "blocks" (two sessions per afternoon).
  • The contents of this course are not directly related to the course "Corporate IT 1".
  • This course is not a direct continuation of the course "Corporate IT 1". You do not need the background knowledge from the course "Corporate IT 1" to participate in this course.
  • This is an interdisciplinary course. While technical aspects are discussed, the course covers topics related to management, strategy development, business, economics, cognitive science, human-aware digital systems, sociology of technology, and value-based design.
  • If you like to participate in a purely technical course, this is not the course that you are looking for.

Digital Transformation (DT, or DX) is one of the most important aspects of our time. Humans (i.e. end-users, customers, employees, citizens, etc.), communities, cities, environments, governments, enterprises, corporates, industries, organisations, societies and economies are affected (transformed, reconstructed) by digital transformation.

This course covers the following topics:

  • The main concepts of digital transformation such as "digital", digitisation, and digital transformation,
  • Opportunities and challenges of digital transformation,
  • Future-ready corporates,
  • Pathways to digital transformation,
  • IT strategies, digital transformation management
  • Emerging trends and digital disruptions (e.g. Cloud Computing, 5G Mobile broadband, 3D printing, Automation and Robotics, AI and data analytics), with a focus on:
    • Internet of things (IoT), 
    • Machine learning, 
    • Cognitive computing,
    • Blockchain,
  • The European Next Generation Internet (NGI), 
  • Human-centric digital transformation, end-user empowerment, responsible computing 
  • Security, privacy, lawfulness (the GDPR, ePrivacy, etc)
  • Transparency, understandability, and accountability in digital transformation,
  • Pluralism, inclusion, and fairness in digital transformation,
  • Ethical and value-based digital transformation 
  • Actor–network, co-production, and socio-technical imaginaries in digital transformation
  • Sustainable digital transformation

A set of case studies will discuss the challenges of implementing this emerging practice.

The focus of the course is on theoretical concepts as well as practical knowledge on digital transformation. The structure, flow, modularisation of the content, and the case-based nature of the course allow the participants to engage intensively and closely with the target topics. 

Learning outcomes

After attending this course, students will be able to understand, describe and evaluate the state-of-the-art development in the area of digital transformation and its potential for corporates, as well as end-users, and societies.

Attendance requirements


Attendance in all classes is mandatory.

Teaching/learning method(s)

The module involves lectures, presentations, in-class critical discussions and debates,  in-class group works, videos, assignments, as well as group projects.

Real-world cases are debated to see how digital transformation is applied in practice.

As before-class assignments, students will receive a set of lectures and/or readings on the target digital transformation constructs each week. 

Weekly in-class presentations and debates, in-class group-works, individual and group assignments, as well as a group project will allow students to delve deeply into different DT subjects.

  • Active participation: 5 credit
    • Attendance is obligatory.
    • If you do not participate in the first session, you will lose your place in the class. 
  • Individual assignments and presentations: 30 credits
  • Group exercises: 20 credits
  • Final project / term paper: 20 credits
  • Final exam: 25 credits
  • A positive score (>50%) in each of the above criteria is required for passing the course.


The scale is non-linear, representing different levels of achievement:

  • under 50 points     5 (fail)
  • under 60 points      4
  • under 75 points      3
  • under 90 points      2
  • 90 points or more   1
Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists
  • Courses: Course I of the SBWL: Foundations in ICT (Grundzüge der ITK) for WU students attending the specialisation - this is a fixed restriction in the SBWL that cannot be waived under any circumstances!
  • Administrative: Registration in the LPIS, attendance in the first unit.

Please note:

  • The number of available places is limited and there is often a list of students waiting for free places. If you have signed up for the course and during the registration period find out you will not attend, please remove your name from the list via LPIS. This will make your place available to others.
  • The assignment of available places in the course is based on the „first-come, first-served" principle.
  • The participation in the first unit is mandatory; students who fail to come lose their place in the course. This place will be allocated to students in the waiting list who come to the first session according to the waiting list order. Students can excuse themselves from the first unit by contacting the instructor with a valid reason; they can only keep their place if the reason for missing the first unit is serious and will concern only the first unit.

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Recommended previous knowledge and skills

It is recommended that you have knowledge of the use of ICT in corporate context (e.g. from the WU courses BIS I and ICT Basics).

Availability of lecturer(s)

Lecturer:   Soheil Human


By Appointment

Room: D2.1.094 (Building D2, entrance C)

Last edited: 2024-05-13
