
0702 Regional Economics II
Assoz.Prof PD Stefanie Peer, Ph.D.
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/05/24 to 09/22/24
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Monday 11/25/24 09:00 AM - 10:30 AM TC.3.07
Monday 12/02/24 08:45 AM - 11:45 AM TC.4.13
Monday 12/09/24 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM TC.3.09
Monday 12/16/24 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM LC.-1.038
Monday 01/13/25 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM LC.-1.038
Monday 01/20/25 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM Online-Einheit
Monday 01/27/25 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM Online-Einheit

This course focuses on methods and applications in the field of regional and transport economics. Among others, the following topics and questions are addressed:

  • Empirical methods in regional and transport economics (among others, regression analysis, and discrete decision models)
  • Calculation of inputs for evaluation procedures (e.g.: how valuable is a 10min reduction in travel time?)
  • Application of the methods to current topics: financing of public transport, parking management, sustainable mobility, commuting, autonomous cars, car- & ride-sharing, e-mobility, etc.
Learning outcomes

The aim of the course is to familiarize students with empirical methods and applications of regional and transport economics. Therefore, the focus is on an interactive course design with various exercises, group and individual work.

Attendance requirements

In the event of more than two absences - for whatever reason - no assessment is made.

Teaching/learning method(s)
  • Interactive
  • Analysis of a scientific paper
  • Computer tutorials and corresponding learning logs
  • Linking empirical applications and theory 
  • Group project: elaboration of a current topic with subsequent presentation 

A total of 100 points can be achieved in the course. Minimum points for each grade are as follows:

      5    -
      4    61
      3    71
      2    81
      1    91

Group project including presentation (40 points): 
The presentations are being prepared in teams . The assignment of groups and topics will take place in the first session. 
The grading will be based on the following criteria: 
•    Reference to and inclusion of current (scientific) literature
•    Reference to and inclusion of (theoretical) concepts and methods introduced in the course sessions 
•    Reference to and inclusion of relevant examples
•    Suitable design of slides and presentation contents
•    Competent answers to questions asked during the discussion 

Literature analysis: Impact of Infrastructure (20 points):
Each student will be assigned a scientific article that deals with one aspect of infrastructure impacts. Students will be provided with a template of questions that have to be answered as well as the grading criteria for the assignment. 

Learning Logs (20 points):
Each course participant has to create and submit 2 so-called "Learning Logs". These concern empirical models carried out on the computer: 
•    Regression analyses 
•    Discrete decision models 
In both cases, the "Learning Logs" consist of a reflection of the tutorials (learnings, difficulties...), and an outline of how the method could be applied to the presentation topic. 

Active Participation (20 points):
The assessment of the 'active participation' will include the following aspects: 
•    Active participation in the form of questions and contributions during the class sessions 
•    Quality of the feedback/questions following the presentations of the other students 

Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

Attendance in the 1st course unit is obligatory. Simultaneous attendance of Regional Economics 1 recommended.


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Recommended previous knowledge and skills


Availability of lecturer(s)

Research Institute for Spatial and Regional Economics


It is recommended to visit Regional Economics 1 and Regional Economics 2 at the same time in the summer semester.

Additional (blank) field

Please note: Due to a difference in ETCS allocated in the German-taught Bachelor's program and the English-taught Bachelor's program, the assessment of students from the respective programs differs in this course. 

The points mentioned above refer to the German-taught program. Please find below the points for the assessment of students enrolled in the English taught program:

Group project including presentation: 40 Points 

Literature Analysis: 25 Points

Learning Logs (2x): 15 Points, 7.5 Points for each Learning Log 

Essay: The Essay is not required for students in the English-taught program!

Active Participation: 20 Points 

Unit details
Unit Date Contents

Introduction & Macro-effects of infrastructure 


Micro-foundations of travel demand


Private and social costs of mobility


Computer Tutorial I


Computer Tutorial II


Student presentations I


Student presentations II

Last edited: 2024-07-15
