This business course is part of the WU's master's program in Export and Internationalization Management and covers the growth stages of enterprises from the founding idea via expansion and international market entry to global operations. Based on a number of actual and fictitious companies, this class – in addition to all business-related aspects – deals with cultural, legal, and communication issues companies are facing when going through the abovementioned stages.
In addition to varied input from the lecturer, students will have to prepare two group presentations in line with the topics named above, with each student presenting once. Furthermore, participants will have to submit a reflective essay on the course as well as their own contributions throughout. Grading will be effected on the basis of diligent and structured preparation as well as the communicative success of the various submissions. Grades range from 1 (“Excellent”) to 5 (“Fail”).
Key concepts dealt with:
International market entry
Product diversification
Stakeholder management
Cultural issues
Corporate communication