
1135 Doing Business in Africa - the Next Frontier
Assoz.Prof Pia Eva Polsa, Ph.D.
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/06/24 to 09/10/24
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
This class is only offered in winter semesters.
Day Date Time Room
Friday 10/04/24 02:00 PM - 06:30 PM TC.3.03
Saturday 10/05/24 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM TC.4.03
Friday 10/11/24 02:00 PM - 05:00 PM Online-Einheit
Friday 10/18/24 02:00 PM - 05:00 PM Online-Einheit
Friday 11/22/24 02:00 PM - 06:30 PM TC.2.01
Saturday 11/23/24 02:00 PM - 05:30 PM TC.3.03

To the uninformed, the field of marketing is all about selling and consuming more. However, since the origin of marketing, societal issues like sustainability, ethics, and responsibility have been discussed and researched. In this course you will learn about the current state-of-art of the field of Responsible Marketing, and the research gaps that need to be addressed. Practical implications and company cases are studied. During the course students will also learn how marketing is related to the United Nation's Sustainable Development goals, particularly those of sustainable production and consumption, poverty, decent work and economic growth, and good health and well-being.

After completing the course you will have a broad knowledge of sustainable and ethical marketing, social marketing, macromarketing, and stakeholder marketing. You will also have insights in ethical, sustainable, and anti-consumption as well as consumption resistance. You will have a capacity to apply and evaluate the role of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in marketing and the role of responsible marketing in branding and corporate image as well as distinguish greenwashing and related phenomenon from the critical marketing perspective.

This syllabus is under construction - we will let you know HERE, once we are fully ready.

Learning outcomes

Students will learn how to ...

  • define and describe sustainable, ethical, social, macro-, and stakeholder marketing,
  • differentiate between, and analyze, ethical and sustainable marketing, as well as anti-consumption and consumption resistance,
  • apply and evaluate role of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in marketing and the role of responsible marketing in branding and corporate image,
  • recognize and judge greenwashing and related phenomenon from a critical marketing perspective
  • gather and filter information efficiently and effectively on a specific research topic
  • learn to organize teamwork efficiently and effectively
  • reflect on others' and one's own role in a team
  • evaluate the individual learning and development progress
  • develop critical thinking
  • defend developed arguments orally and in writing 
  • structure material in to a coherent line of arguments and present it in a concise way
  • not only learn how to communicate information, but also develop creative ideas to get the message across 
Attendance requirements

As we want to all benefit from your ideas and experience, we are looking forward to your presence in the classroom. You can miss 10% of the lectures (i.e., 1 session max). Please let us know in advance if possible.

Teaching/learning method(s)

Within this course, a variety of didactic elements are utilized to facilitate the successful completion of learning outcomes outlined above. The course is delivered as a mix of lectures covering theoretical concepts and their application, as well as assignment (prepared at home and in-class, individually and in group work, discussed in class).

AI tools, such as ChatGPT, may be used for

  • doing research on certain topics,
  • but not with the development of written assignment (e.g., text, reflections, etc.).
  • In any case, please identify in a short sentence (at the end of the assignment, on the cover page, etc.),
    • if you have used AI tools
    • how/what for you used them.

This is important as all assignments will be checked for plagiarism and use of AI!


Your performance is based on 

  • Participation 15%
  • Assignment 1  15%
  • Assignment 2 15%
  • Assignment 3 15%
  • Assignment 4 15%
  • Pitching responsibility  25%


Grading Scheme (Total 100pts):

  • 100-90 pts - 1
  • 89-80 pts - 2
  • 79-70 pts - 3
  • 69-60 pts - 4
  • below 60 - failed

Please look at the section "Additional information for course members" for details on the assessment

Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

This course is part of the elective pool "Marketing for a Better World" of the MSc Marketing at WU.

MSc Marketing students can only register if they have successfully completed the following mandatory courses from the 1st year:

  • Management by Experiments (5 ECTS)
  • Marketing Analytics (7.5 ECTS)
  • Digital Marketing (5 ECTS)


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Last edited: 2024-09-06
